Most merchants are familiar with seasonal demands and the unique set of obstacles faced throughout the supply chain, with many companies having their own ‘Busy Season’ where there is a huge spike in customer demand.

Difficulties Managing Seasonal Inventory

Without a flexible warehousing and fulfilment strategy, companies often fail to meet customer expectations due to lack of resources in place to cope with a sudden spike in required storage space and incoming fulfilment requirements. This ultimately results in companies failing to capitalise on the spike in demand, losing out on significant sales opportunities. These periods are often during Christmas Holidays, Black Friday, and other public holidays. However, here at Meteor Space, we understand that spikes can occur throughout the calendar year, and whether they are expected or unexpected, we have the resources available to help fulfil orders and exceed your customer expectations throughout. This service has been highlighted over the past 16 months during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many of our clients have scaled up their warehouse space to store higher levels of inventory with a quicker turnaround to fulfil the huge spike in online orders.

How we can Help at Meteor Space

Our Pallet Storage Solution boasts high tech automation, keeping products safe and easily accessible to meet spikes in customer demand with highly competitive rates for storing. The team here at Meteor Space are hard working and highly skilled with the expertise to handle the high-volume periods to ensure goods are stored safely and distributed quickly during seasonal spikes. Other Benefits Include:

  • Storage Space Flexibility

Your requirements for warehouse space can be scaled up or down when need, flexibility is key during seasonal demands. We will adjust and adapt to meet your unique requirements and help with your overall growth in sales.

  • Same Day Dispatch

We take great pride in our accuracy and speed. Our hard-working team take orders as late as 8pm allowing orders to be delivered dispatched the same day, offering an efficient next day delivery service throughout the island of Ireland and UK.

  • Friendly and Knowledgeable Experts

Our highly trained and knowledgeable team are always available to offer advice on all aspects of logistics and on your business requirements. Our warehousing experts take away the stress from managing your supply chain and are accessible 24/7. You will always be safe in the knowledge that we will deliver to your customers on time!

  • Real Time Inventory

Our inhouse Warehouse Management System offers real time insights into your inventory, providing the relevant people with quality information to ensure your inventory levels never drop below a certain threshold.

Meteor Space is your Warehousing & Inventory Management Solution:

Now is the time to consider your warehouse and fulfilment options ahead of your seasonal demands and as online sales continue to rise. For more information about Meteor Space and our pallet storage solutions, please contact us today.

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