Find out why your customers are abandoning their carts before checking out from your online store to create a better experience for them  

Cart abandonment is when a customer leaves your online store before checking out. They add items to their carts but do not go through with the check out process. Cart abandonment has become a prevalent problem in today’s ecommerce world, with a high percentage of people not completing their orders and abandoning their carts

If your online store is facing the same issue and your customers are abandoning their carts before checking out, it is important that you keep up with the latest statistics and trends to bring the cart abandonment rate down for your ecommerce store. Being aware of the leading causes of cart abandonment can help you improve the experience you offer to your customers and keep the abandonment rate low. 

There are many steps you can take to make sure your customers complete their check out. Even a follow-up email regarding their cart abandonment can persuade them to come back and finish their buying process. It is crucial that you understand what the problem is and address it in the best way possible. 

Tackling the causes of craft abandonment can help you create a better shopping experience for your customers, increase your sales and revenue, and give you an opportunity to show your customers that you care about them and the experience they have. It is important for you to be aware of the issues your customers are facing and resolve them as quickly as possible. 

This is why we bring to you some of the latest statistics regarding cart abandonment, helping you understand the problems better and make decisions that will help your ecommerce business grow. Let’s dive right in! 

General Cart Abandonment Statistics

  • The average cart abandonment rate in 2022 is 69.99% (Baymard, 2022)

The cart abandonment rate has grown over the years. As more ecommerce businesses set up their online stores, more carts are abandoned on the daily. The reasons for cart abandonment can vary. Some people abandon their carts in your store due to the shipping charges being too high, some do it because the delivery time is too long, while others leave their carts because the checkout process is too much. You can take various steps to ensure customers on your online store don’t face any such issues and complete their purchase instead of abandoning their shopping carts. 


  • More than 40% of cart abandonment emails are opened (Moosend, 2022)

It is important to understand that there are steps you can take to make sure your customers feel wanted and make them return to your store to complete their purchase. One of the things you can do is send follow-up emails to online shoppers who abandon their carts on your website. 40% of these people are going to open the emails and might go back and complete the purchase from your store.

  • 50% of the users who click on cart abandonment emails purchase the items (Moosend, 2022)

50% of the people who open your emails regarding their carts being abandoned are likely to go back to your online store and purchase the items in their carts. It is important that you personalize the emails for each customer and make them feel special. Using emails can help you make the sales that you lost out on. 


  • The average cart abandonment rate for mobile is 85.65% (Baymard, 2022)

Mobile devices have the highest cart abandonment rate. It can be due to various reasons. Some people prefer making purchases from their desktops or tablets because that feels safer to them. The rates are also the highest for mobile because more people browse online stores from their mobiles instead of desktops. 

  • The average cart abandonment rate for desktop is 69.75% (Baymard, 2022)

Desktop has the lowest average cart abandonment rate. Most people that use their desktops to browse through online stores are likely to complete the purchase. This can be because less number of people are actually using desktops to make purchases, or simply because they feel desktop sites are more secure and they feel like putting in their personal information. 

  • The average cart abandonment rate for tablets is 80.74% (Baymard, 2022)

Tablets have the second highest cart abandonment rate. It is almost as high as mobile. These days, there are more and more people using tablets to browse online stores and purchase items. Tablets offer desktop versions of online stores and people can feel more comfortable putting in their personal information, which can be a reason why the average cart abandonment rate for tablets is lower than mobiles. 


  • Cart abandonment is at its highest in the month of December (Barclaycard, 2022) 

December is the holiday season, and peak shopping season. Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, Christmas, New Years, and so much more is going on in December. More people are shopping online and filling their carts with items for themselves or their loved ones. The higher the rate of online shoppers during this time, the higher the rate of cart abandonment. There are many reasons why people abandon their shopping carts in December. For example they could have found a better deal or discount at another online store for the same product, resulting in them abandoning their cart at one online store to go and shop from another. 

  • It’s reported that ecommerce stores lose $18 billion in sales revenue each year because of cart abandonment (Dynamic Yield, 2022)

It is important to understand, especially if you run an online store, that you can end up losing a lot of money in sales and revenue every year due to a high rate of cart abandonment. As an ecommerce business, you need to take all the necessary steps to ensure that people are not abandoning their carts in your store and you provide them with a comfortable, easy, and simple online shopping experience. 


  • Research shows that retargeting can reduce cart abandonment by 6.5%, and increase online sales by almost 20% (Motocms, 2019)

As an owner of an ecommerce business or online store, it is crucial that you don’t give up on the customers that abandon their carts on your website. You can use Google, Facebook, emails, and much more to retarget your customers. Once they see the ads for the products they abandoned in their carts on your website, some of them will come back and complete the purchase, increasing the sales for your online business. 

  • Checkout optimization can increase conversions by 35.62% (Baymard, 2022)

It is crucial that your checkout process is simple and straightforward. One of the leading reasons for cart abandonment in online stores is that the checkout process is too long or it is a lot of hassle. Optimizing your checkout page to make the process quick and easy can help you boost your checkout rates and bring down your cart abandonment rates. 

Cart Abandonment Causes Statistics

  • Shipping-related reasons attribute to over 60% of carts being abandoned (Moosend, 2022)

As an online business it is crucial that you offer top-notch shipping solutions for your customers. Your ecommerce store should understand the importance of shipping and delivery and how the services you offer can have a direct impact on the sales you make. If your shipping charges are too high or the delivery takes too long, the cart abandonment rates for your online store are going to increase. 


  • 49% of people abandon their shopping cart because extra costs at checkout were too high (Shopify, 2021)

The extra costs at checkout are one of the major reasons why so many carts are abandoned before checking out. People often don’t complete the checkout process because the tax, VAT, or shipping charges can come together and amount to a higher total than they expect or can afford. As an online business, you can do your best to offer affordable or free shipping to make sure your customers are not faced with high extra costs right before checking out from your online store. 

  • 24% of people abandon their online shopping cart because the site wanted them to create an account (Shopify, 2021)

There are a lot of people who do not want to create an account just to purchase something from an online store. If your ecommerce website requires customers to create a new account before checking out, there is a high chance that the customers will abandon their cart and shop from an online store that doesn’t have any such requirements. 

  • 18% of people abandon their shopping cart because of a long and complicated checkout process (Shopify, 2021)

The checkout process for your online store should be simple and quick. If your customers are faced with a complicated checkout process, like creating an account or filling in a lot of details, they are more likely to abandon their shopping cart in your online store. It is important that you keep the checkout process as minimal as possible. 

  • 17% of people abandon their online shopping carts because they didn’t trust the site with their credit card information (Shopify, 2021)

When you run an online business, it is vital that you have your customers’ trust. If they can’t trust your store, they will think twice before putting in their personal information to make a purchase. It is essential that the connection you provide for your online store’s checkout page is safe and secure.

  • 17% of shoppers abandon their cart because they couldn’t calculate the total order cost up-front (Shopify, 2021)

As an ecommerce store, you should be letting your customers know exactly what the total is, even before they click on the checkout button. As they add items into their shopping carts, your website should have a counter on the side that enables them to see what their total so far is. Not being able to calculate the cost of the items can lead your customers to abandon their shopping carts once they open the checkout page. 

  • 12% of shoppers abandon their cart because the return policy wasn’t satisfactory (Baymard, 2022)

When you run an online business, you need to have a solid yet lenient returns policy in place for your customers. A high percentage of customers abandon their shopping carts after going through your returns policy. It is important to understand that when people purchase items online, they want to be able to return the items without any hassle. The first time they touch or see the item they purchase from an online store is after it is delivered to them and there is a high chance it does not turn out to be what they expected. This is why having a lenient returns policy that is helpful for your customers can help bring down your cart abandonment rate. 

  • 13% of people abandon their cart because the website crashed or had errors (Baymard, 2022)

As an online store, you need to make sure your website is fast and runs smoothly. If your website keeps crashing or is too slow, people will abandon their carts instead of checking out and making a purchase. If your website crashes frequently or there are errors while loading pages, online shoppers will be hesitant to put their personal information as they might deem your website unsecure. 

  • 9% of online shoppers abandon their cart because there are not enough payment methods available (Baymard, 2022)

As an online store or ecommerce business, you should be able to provide multiple payment methods to make it easier for your customers to complete their purchase and keep your cart abandonment rate low. If your customers cannot find a suitable payment method while checking out, they are going to abandon their cart and shop from a competitor ecommerce store that offers more payment methods. 

  • 4% of people abandon their cart because their credit card is declined(Baymard, 2022)

The lowest number of people abandon their carts in online stores because their credit card has declined. If everything else on your online store is perfect and the checkout process is simple and easy for them, the online shoppers are more likely to try again from a different payment method or use another card to complete their purchase instead of abandoning their shopping cart. This is why you should ensure that everything on your end is perfect and offer your customers the best possible shopping experience. 


Cart Abandonment Statistics For Different Regions

  • 17% of U.S. online shoppers have abandoned an order in the past quarter solely due to a too long/complicated checkout process (Baymard, 2022)

Just like everywhere else in the world, the online shoppers in the U.S. also do not want to deal with the long and complicated checkout processes. Online stores that use simple checkout methods are more likely to have lower cart abandonment rates. 

  • 31% of UK shoppers purchased their abandoned cart items at a later time from the same website (Shopify, 2019)

Online shoppers in the UK are more likely to come back to your online store to purchase the items they abandoned earlier. However, you can increase these numbers by retargeting your customers and using ads and emails to get them back to your store. 


  • 26% of UK online shoppers bought the items they abandoned from a different online store (Shopify, 2019)

It is important to note that online shoppers in the UK are also likely to abandon their shopping carts in your store and make the same purchase at another online shop. As an online business in the UK, you need to make sure you create the best customer experience, especially during checkout, to make sure your customers stay loyal to your business and don’t end up shopping from your competitors. 

  • 8% of UK shoppers went into the physical stores to purchase the items they abandoned online (Shopify, 2019)

The percentage of shoppers in the UK that went to the physical store to make a purchase after abandoning their cart online is low but it is not close to zero. As an online business, your checkout process should not be complicated and the delivery charges should not be extremely high, forcing people to abandon their shopping carts and purchase from the physical stores. 

  • 86.15% of Spanish shopping baskets are abandoned midway through (Shopify, 2019)

Online businesses in Spain need to improve the customer experience for their online stores and make sure their ecommerce website runs smoothly. It can help bring down the cart abandonment rates, especially halfway through the purchase. 


  • Online shoppers in the Netherlands have the lowest abandonment rate at 65.49% (Shopify, 2019)

Online shoppers in the Netherlands are less likely to abandon their shopping carts compared to the rest of the world. The average cart abandonment rate for the Netherlands is the lowest compared to all other countries, showing us that online businesses in the Netherlands are doing far better at creating a simple checkout process and an overall excellent online shopping experience for their customers. 

Cart Abandonment Statistics For Different Industries 


  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for fashion and clothing is 68.3% (Bolt, 2022)

Fashion and clothing has a high cart abandonment rate and this can be due to many reasons. Clothing and other fashion items can be difficult to choose online and the extra charges at checkout can also amount to a high total, leading to more people abandoning their online shopping carts in fashion stores. 

  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for finance is 83.6% (Bolt, 2022)

Financial purchases can be challenging, especially online. They require customers to go through a lot of information, fill out multiple forms, and have many prerequisites. This is why people often abandon their financial purchases and prefer doing them in person instead of online, leading to the highest shopping cart abandonment rate for any sector. 

  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for travel bookings is 81.7% (Bolt, 2022)

Making travel bookings and plans is not an easy task and takes a lot of time to sort everything out. Even if customers end up making purchases online, they can abandon multiple carts before finalizing something, which is one of the reasons why the cart abandonment rate is so high for travel bookings. 

  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for gaming is 64.2% (Bolt, 2022) 

Gaming is an industry that has the lowest shopping cart abandonment rate. This is because before a customer makes the purchase, they can check out the reviews and ratings for the game online, watch trailers, and make their decision based on what they see and whether they will enjoy it or not. People purchasing games online usually have their minds already made up and are less likely to abandon their carts. 

  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for non-profits is 83.1% (Bolt, 2022)

When it comes to non-profits, people are almost always skeptical. Customers always feel the need to research every aspect and find out where the proceedings are actually going before making a decision. As a non-profit, you should have all the information out in the open on your website in order to decrease the cart abandonment rate. 

  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate for retail is 72.8% (Bolt, 2022)

The cart abandonment rate for retail products is high because there are many instances where people are browsing through these products just for the sake of browsing and don’t have intentions to make a purchase. 

Do You Want To Offer Your Customers The Best Shopping Experience And Lower Your Cart Abandonment Rates? 

There are many causes of cart abandonment. The cart abandonment rate is also going up with time, and that shows us that most customers are not getting the experience they want. If they want fast shipping and you can’t offer that to them, they are more likely to abandon their carts and shop from your competitors.

It is crucial that you take every step you can to ensure a seamless fulfillment process for your customers, making sure they get the best service possible. The service you provide can help bring down the cart abandonment rates for your online store and help you retain your clients. 

With the help of a leading fulfillment company like Meteor Space, you can provide your customers with the best shipping service, customized packaging, and timely order fulfillment. We help you let your customers track their orders, making sure they always know where the order is and how long it will take to deliver it to them. 

Our fast ecommerce shipping service can help you bring down the cart abandonment rates for your online business and keep your customers satisfied. We provide a comprehensive solution for all your ecommerce fulfillment needs, including a bespoke software that is tailored to your business needs! 

Want to find out more about our top-notch services that can help you lower the cart abandonment rate for your ecommerce store? 

Get in touch!

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