Important Order Fulfillment Statistics That Impact Retail

Here are some interesting order fulfillment statistics that impact retail and can help you understand what makes ecommerce businesses successful

When you run a business, one of the most crucial aspects for you is your order fulfillment. Without efficient and accurate order fulfillment, your business has less chances of being profitable and successful. There are various reasons why your order fulfillment is so crucial. It helps you get orders to customers on time, keep your customers happy and satisfied, expand your business’s reach, increase your sales, and so much more. 

You can choose to either carry out your order fulfillment in-house or you can outsource it to a leading 3PL, like Meteor Space. It is no secret that outsourcing your order fulfillment can be an excellent option for you, especially if you want to focus on other aspects of your business and put your time and resources into growing your business. It also helps you cut down on numerous overhead expenses as well. 

Whether in-house or outsourced, order fulfillment is the main element of your business. With the right fulfillment partners, you can get fast international shipping, custom packaging, customer support, and many other services that can help you take your business to the next level. Your order fulfillment also has an impact on retail. This is due to various reasons. If you want to improve your retail performance and sales, you need to improve your order fulfillment strategy. 

So, how exactly does order fulfillment impact retail? Let’s dive a little deeper and find out.

How Does Order Fulfillment Impact Retail?

One thing a lot of people overlook is how much impact order fulfillment has on retail. If your order fulfillment is top-notch and you can get accurate orders to your customers on time, you will make more sales. Similarly, if you offer multiple shipping options and international shipping, you can also get more sales. There are many aspects of your order fulfillment strategy that have an impact on retail. 

In today’s day and age, it has also become crucial that you can provide order fulfillment that lives up to the expectations your customers have from you. If they want quick shipping, international delivery, customized packaging, order accuracy, these are all things you must provide through your order fulfillment. With the right help, you can make sure your order fulfillment has a positive impact on your retail and sales. 

It is essential for you to understand that your order fulfillment is more important than every other aspect of your business, and you must not let your customers down in any way with the service you provide. Businesses also tend to partner with 3PL companies, like Meteor Space, that can provide them with end-to-end solutions and comprehensive fulfillment services, making sure their customers are the top priority. 

With all of that being said, it is crucial for every business, especially ecommerce companies, to understand the importance of order fulfillment and retail. Looking at some important statistics for ecommerce and order fulfillment can give you a better idea of how vital order fulfillment is and how it can impact retail. 

Let’s get into these statistics!

Latest General Global Ecommerce Statistics

US ecommerce sales are expected to cross the $1 trillion threshold in 2022 (insiderintelligence, 2022)

Ecommerce has been one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Currently, ecommerce in the U.S. alone is set to cross the 1 trillion USD threshold. This goes to show how much this sector has grown over the years and still shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. 


Global ecommerce sales are expected to more than double pre pandemic levels by 2025 to $7.4 trillion (insiderintelligence, 2022)

All over the world, ecommerce has become a norm. The online shopping sector has grown even more rapidly due to the pandemic and the strict lockdowns everywhere in the world. By 2025, the global ecommerce sales are expected to be double the amount they were before the pandemic. 

In 2021, global ecommerce sales were expected to grow by 14.5% (insiderintelligence, 2022)

The rate at which the ecommerce sales are growing is not to be taken lightly. The growth rate was almost 15% in 2021, which is huge. This growth rate is only going to increase over the coming years as ecommerce continues to grow at a rapid speed. 


Social commerce sales will reach $45.74 billion in 2022 (insiderintelligence, 2022)

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are also huge for ecommerce. There are many online businesses that use social media platforms to sell their products. Social commerce is also a sector that has become huge over the years, reaching a massive 45 billion USD in 2022. 

78% of retailers increased their ecommerce budget for 2021 (inmar, 2021)

If you don’t have an online store in today’s day and age, you are more likely to fall behind your competitors. If you want your brand to grow and become more successful, you need to build your online presence and ecommerce store. Almost 80% of retailers increased their ecommerce budget because they realize how essential it is for their business. 


18% of all retail sales were conducted online, a number expected to reach 22% by 2024 (insiderintelligence, 2022)

Ecommerce has become a significant part of retail sales all over the globe. If you want to make sure you can get more sales, you need to have your online store. Your ecommerce store will help you increase your retail sales and build your online presence, both of which are incredibly important for your business. 

Global B2C ecommerce sales were estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2020 and are expected to reach $5 trillion by 2022 (mediaplaynews, 2022)

B2C ecommerce sales have been growing at a rapid pace over the past few years. When the pandemic hit and people were forced into lockdowns all over the world, they had no choice but to shop online. This made everyone realize how convenient and accessible ecommerce really is, giving a rise to B2C ecommerce sales. By the end of 2022, B2C ecommerce sales were all set to reach the 5 trillion USD mark. 


Global B2B ecommerce sales were expected to climb from $7.7 trillion in 2018 to $17.6 trillion in 2022 (shopify, 2021)

The B2B ecommerce sector is something that has been on a steady rise for many years. Currently, it is set to grow by almost 10 trillion USD in the last four years. It is crucial for all businesses to understand that with the help of ecommerce, you can take your business to new heights, whether you are B2B or B2C. 

57% of shoppers have made an international purchase online within the past six months, 45.5% of which come from North America (shopify, 2021)

As an ecommerce business, it is crucial that you also cater to international customers. If you want to make sure your brand is established and people know about your ecommerce store, you need to offer efficient international shipping, especially to areas such as North America. Online shoppers are more willing to make international purchases nowadays, and you need to make sure that your business can provide that for them. If you don’t offer international shipping, you are more likely to lose out on business opportunities. 


Millennials aged 25 to 34 accounted for 20.2% of digital buyers In the US in 2020 (statista, 2021)

Millennials make up a huge part of the online shoppers in all countries, including the United States. If you look at the statistics, you can see that over 20% of the online shoppers in the U.S. are millennials that are between the ages 25 and 34. 

United States’ share of global retail ecommerce sales is expected to drop to 16.9% by 2023 from 22.2% in 2015 (statista, 2022)

The ecommerce retail sales all over the world come from various countries and regions. The share held by America previously is soon going to drop by almost 6%. There are many other countries that are contributing a lot more when it comes to global ecommerce retail sales. 


44% of all ecommerce sales are expected to be completed through mobile devices by 2025 (wpforms, 2023)

Mobile devices have made ecommerce a lot more convenient and simple. If you have an ecommerce website for your business, you need to make sure that it is mobile-friendly, as 44% of all ecommerce sales will be completed through mobile devices by the year 2025. 

The world witnessed 10 years of ecommerce growth in 90 days during the first quarter of 2020, according to some estimates (mckinsey, 2022)

There is no doubt that ecommerce grew at an unbelievable rate, especially in 2020. According to reports and data, the first three months of 2020 saw ecommerce growth that was worth ten years. This is a massive number and shows how people were willing to make online purchases during strict lockdowns. 


65% of consumers prefer to buy products and services from their native country when shopping online (kantar, 2022)

Your local audience matters a lot and it is important that you also cater to them when it comes to your ecommerce store. Almost 65% of online shoppers will prefer to purchase products and services from online businesses that are based in their country. 

69% of books, music and videos are purchased online (statista, 2021)

The entertainment industry has also become a huge part of the ecommerce world. There are many online shopping services that allow you to purchase music, books, videos, etc. People all over the world are willing to purchase these items online. 


Latin America (including Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) saw $104 billion in ecommerce sales in 2022, up 22.4% from $85 billion in 2021 (shopify, 2021)

Latin America has become one of the fastest growing regions when it comes to ecommerce. The revenue generated from ecommerce retail sales in this region over the years has increased significantly. In 2021, Latin America generated 85 billion USD from ecommerce sales whereas in 2022, this number rose to 104 billion USD. 

The Indian ecommerce market is one of the top 5 fastest growing countries in the world, sitting at 25.5% growth in sales in 2022 (shopify, 2021)

India is another country that has established its place as one of the top markets for ecommerce. There are various ecommerce platforms available in India and the massive population of the country is also turning to online shopping more. 


The UK is forecast to continuously increase by $85.7 billion (+42.88%) within the next years (shopify, 2021)

The UK is another region that has become one of the key players in the international ecommerce market. The country’s ecommerce market is all set to increase by a massive 42.8% in the next few years, which shows us how much ecommerce and online shopping is growing in the region. 

China continues to lead the global ecommerce market, accounting for 46.3% of all retail ecommerce sales worldwide, with total online sales just over the $2.8 trillion mark in 2022 (shopify, 2021)

When it comes to ecommerce, there is no other country with more impact than China. It has established its place as the leader of the global ecommerce market. One of the most important statistics to note is that more than 46% of all retail ecommerce sales across the world come from China. The total online sales in China crossed the 2.8 trillion USD mark in 2022. 


China has the world’s most digital buyers, 842.1 million, representing 39.4% of the global total (shopify, 2021)

One of the reasons why China has become such an unmatched force in the world of ecommerce is because of the number of online shoppers the country has. With over 842 million digital buyers, China makes up for 39.4% of the total online shoppers in the world. 

Research suggests that 63% of all shopping journeys now start on the internet (magenest, 2021)

Unlike before, when people used to go to the physical stores to pick and choose what they want to buy, more than 60% of all shopping journeys now start on the internet. People search for the product they want and choose from the options they have available for them online. 


According to Oberlo, around 1.94% of all visits to ecommerce sites result in a sale (magenest, 2021)

When you look at the statistics, you can see that almost 2% of all visits to ecommerce websites result in a sale. It shows you how much having an ecommerce website can boost your sales. If you have an online store, you are more likely to make a sale. 

According to Statista, businesses in the food and beverage industry have an average conversion rate of 5.5%, making it the highest-converting ecommerce vertical (magenest, 2021)

The food and beverage ecommerce sector is the sector with the highest converting ecommerce vertical. If you have an online store for your food and beverage business, you are more likely to make sales and get people to purchase your products. It is one of the most popular categories for online stores as well. 


The least successful markets are luxury handbags and home furniture, which have average conversion rates of 0.6% (magenest, 2021)

The conversion rates for the luxury handbag sector and home furniture sector are extremely low, making them two of the least successful markets when it comes to online shopping. This makes sense because when it comes to luxury handbags and home furniture, these are things that people prefer to buy in-person rather than online. 

While the fashion industry ranks second, it still generates revenue of $904.5 billion, making it promising for future years (magenest, 2021)

The fashion industry is the industry with the second highest conversion rates, just below food and beverage. The fashion and apparel sector is a sector that has seen massive growth over the years and it generates revenue as high as 904 billion USD, which shows how promising it is for the coming years as well. 


Based on February 2019 research of the top product categories purchased by Amazon shoppers in the US, electronics are the most popular, comprising 44% of customers (manegest, 2021)

Amazon is one of the most used ecommerce platforms. When you look at the top products sold on the platform in the United States, you can see that electronics are the most popular category of products sold. 44% of customers in the U.S. purchase electronics, making it the most shopped category online. 

Amazon is currently the most valuable company in the world, with a worth of just over $1 trillion as of June 2022 (magenest, 2021)

As of 2022, Amazon has established its place as the most valuable company and ecommerce platform in the world. The worth of Amazon currently is over 1 trillion USD, which is a lot when you compare it with other ecommerce platforms and stores. 


The only other competitor that comes close to Amazon is Alibaba, which falls significantly behind at $304 billion (magenest, 2021)

There is only one other ecommerce platform or competitor that you can compare Amazon with and that is Alibaba. However, even that falls far behind Amazon. Alibaba has a total worth of 304 billion USD, which is significantly less when compared to Amazon’s total worth of over 1 trillion USD.

By October 2022, the world population will have reached over 7.9 billion people which means that at least 27% of the entire world will shop online by then (magenest, 2021)

With a lot of people shopping online currently, there is no doubt that the number of online shoppers also increases with the increasing population. By the end of 2022, almost 27% of the entire world was shopping online, which is a huge percentage of the global population. 


Retail ecommerce sales in the US for Q2 of 2022 amounted to $257 billion, which is a 2.7% surge from the last quarter (magenest, 2021)

Even in the U.S. alone, the retail ecommerce sales for the second quarter were almost 3% higher than the previous quarter. This shows how much ecommerce is growing, even in the United States. The total ecommerce retail sales amounted to a massive 257 billion USD in the second quarter of 2022. 

The data from the Distribution of websites using the ecommerce technologies shows that Woocommerce has 24% of the top 1 million site’s market share in 2022 (magenest, 2021)

Woocommerce is one of, if not the biggest, ecommerce website platforms in the world. There are countless ecommerce websites that are created using Woocommerce. The platform enables people to run their ecommerce stores with ease and use SEO and other tools to enhance the performance of their online store on search engines. When it comes to the top 1 million websites in the world, 24% of them are powered by Woocommerce. 


The number of Shopify users has been gradually catching up to WooCommerce in recent years and according to Builtwith, there are 4.147.766 live websites currently being powered by Shopify (magenest, 2021)

Shopify is another ecommerce platform that has established itself as one of the market leaders. There are currently over 4 million websites all over the internet that are being powered by Shopify. It is a platform that makes setting up your ecommerce website easier than ever. When you use Shopify, you can make sure your ecommerce store does well and can get organic traffic. 

Order Fulfillment Statistics That Impact Retail

Order fulfillment impacts retail and there are many statistics that can show us how. Your order fulfillment strategy determines how fast you can deliver products to your customers, how great the shopping experience you create for them is, your packaging, the condition in which your products reach your customers, and so much more. 

With top-notch order fulfillment, you can make sure your customers are happy with your business and you can increase your sales, enabling you to generate more revenue. Order fulfillment is a crucial aspect of your business that has a direct impact on your retail sales. Without the right order fulfillment for your business, you can fall behind your competitors and lose out on numerous opportunities to grow your brand. 

We have compiled some statistics that show what your customers expect from your business, helping you understand how you can create the best possible shopping experience for them through your order fulfillment. These statistics paint a clear picture of what you need to be doing to make sure your order fulfillment impacts retail in a positive way. 

Let’s dive right into what these statistics are and how you can use this information to make your business stand out. 

38% of online shoppers will abandon their order if the estimated delivery time exceeds a week (Comscore, EConsultancy) (soocial, 2023)

If you want your online business to be successful and get more customers, you need to make sure your order fulfillment is top-notch. Without efficient order fulfillment, retail businesses can lose out on countless opportunities to make their business stand out from the competition. If your fulfillment is slow, there is a huge chance that people will leave your ecommerce store to go shop from somewhere else. According to research, if the delivery time you offer for your customers is more than a week, shoppers are more likely to abandon their orders from your store. 


69% of online shoppers say they will be significantly less likely to shop with a retailer if they do not deliver within two days of the promised date (Website Magazine) (soocial, 2023)

As a retailer, your customers need to be your top priority. If you cannot provide your customers with an excellent shopping experience, they are less likely to come back to your online store again. An excellent shopping experience can only be provided if your order fulfillment is top-notch. As an ecommerce business, it is crucial that you can provide fast delivery for all your customers. As you can see from this statistic, people are not going to come back to your store if your delivery time takes longer than the estimated time you tell them. 

25% of online shoppers say that an unexpected shipping cost would cause them to abandon their cart (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

If you don’t want your customers to abandon their carts on your online store, you have to make sure that you provide affordable shipping for them. To do that, you also need affordable order fulfillment for your own business. This can be achieved by working with a leading order fulfillment company, like Meteor Space. If you are cutting your expenses with the help of a 3PL, you can also offer affordable shipping for your customers without any hidden costs. This impacts your retail sales, as more people make a purchase from your store instead of abandoning their cart. 


5% of online shoppers who abandoned carts say they’ve bought the same product from a different website with faster shipping (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

Keeping cart abandonment rates down is crucial for any online business. One of the most important factors that you need to focus on is the delivery time you can provide. If you offer fast order fulfillment with efficient delivery, you can avoid people abandoning their carts on your online store. Fast and efficient shipping can help you make an excellent impression on your customers, keep them happy, and help with your customer retention rates as well. If you want to make sure your customers don’t go and shop from your competitors, you have to ensure that you are offering faster delivery than everyone else. 

4% of online shoppers say they purchased from a website they were unfamiliar with because it offered cash on delivery option (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

Having multiple payment and shipping options plays a huge role when it comes to conversions and sales. A large number of online shoppers are looking for an online store that will offer them various payment options, making the shopping experience more pleasant for them. As an ecommerce business, you have to make sure you can include credit cards, debit cards, cash on delivery, Paypal, and other options, making the shopping journey more convenient for your customers, which can lead to more sales for your business. This can help you generate more revenue and retain your customers. 


45% of online shoppers who admit to adding products to their cart with no intention of buying say they do it to check the price with shipping (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

The shipping price you offer at your online store can be the deciding factor when people are shopping from you. Around 45% of online shoppers claim that they add products to their carts just to check the total price including shipping. If your shipping price is higher than other competitor businesses, you are more likely to lose customers. It is crucial that you can provide affordable shipping for your customers and this is possible if you have an order fulfillment partner that can help you cut down your costs as well. When your order fulfillment partner provides affordable shipping for you, you can do the same for your customers. 

32% of online shoppers say that a limited-time free shipping offer would encourage them to buy a product they had no intention of buying earlier (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

Using special offers and discounts to entice people to purchase from your business is not a new practice. It is one of the ways you can get customers to make a purchase from your online store. There are many businesses that have been using this strategy for ages and it brings results every time. Around 32% of online shoppers have said that if a business is offering free shipping for a limited time, they will be more likely to make a purchase, even if they had no intentions of buying anything earlier. A special offer like this can help you get more sales and create an impact on your customers. 


The most frustrating part of the checkout process is filling in the same information twice, according to 32% of online shoppers (VWO) (soocial, 2023)

Along with your shipping and delivery services, the checkout process on your online store also needs to be convenient and efficient if you want to make online shoppers place orders and get more sales. If you have a checkout process that requires your customers to add their details over and over again, they are more likely to get frustrated and abandon their carts. As an online business, you need to make sure you are using the best possible tools on your website for checkout, making the shopping process more efficient. It is important to note that 32% of online shoppers think that the most frustrating part of shopping from some online businesses is how they have to fill in the same information more than once when checking out. 

63% of online shoppers say they had abandoned a cart before because the shipping costs were too expensive (Statista) (soocial, 2023)

Another statistic that shows how important the shipping price you offer is for your business. If you want to make sure your customers don’t abandon their carts before checking out from your online store, you must provide affordable shipping. If your customers can find affordable shipping from other stores, they will be more inclined to abandon their cart in your store and head over to your competitors to make the purchase. Even for international orders you must make sure that the shipping price you offer is reasonable. 


30% of Amazon users cite its fast shipping as the main reason they shop at Amazon (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

One of the main reasons why Amazon has become the leading online marketplace and everyone feels comfortable shopping from the platform is because of the shipping they offer to the customers. Amazon is known for the fast shipping and delivery, which is why 30% of the online shoppers using Amazon claim that it is the main reason that they shop from the ecommerce platform. As an online business, you have to keep in mind that your shipping and delivery speed must be as fast as Amazon if you want to retain customers and grow your ecommerce business. 

The opinions of online shoppers regarding what is more important, shipping price or shipping speed, are split fifty-fifty (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

As an ecommerce business, it is crucial that you focus on two things: your shipping speed and your shipping price. Online shoppers are looking for both of these factors when they shop at an ecommerce website. If you can’t provide fast shipping speed, you can lose out on customers. Similarly, if you can’t provide affordable shipping, you can also lose out on customers. It can be beneficial for your business if you team up with an order fulfillment company that can help you offer fast and affordable shipping for your customers. This will also impact your retail in a positive manner. 


97% of online shoppers agree that same-day shipping is fast shipping (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

When you are coming up with your order fulfillment strategy you also have to take into account what your customers expect from you and build your strategy around it. For example, if you want to provide fast shipping for your customers, you must first understand what your customers consider fast shipping. According to 97% of online shoppers, fast shipping is same-day shipping. If you claim to offer fast shipping and take two days to deliver the order, your customers will not be happy with the delivery time. 

94% of online shoppers have taken a certain action to qualify for free shipping (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

As an online business, you can also provide special offers that can lead to free shipping for your customers, as free shipping is one of the biggest motivators for online shoppers to make a purchase. For example, if your online store has an offer that enables your customers to get free shipping after they spend a certain amount on purchases, 94% of them will make purchases worth that amount and take advantage of the free shipping. Similarly, if you provide free shipping as part of a membership or subscription, 94% of online shoppers will join to avail free shipping. 


31% of online retailers cite order splitting as the most costly aspect of order fulfillment (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

As an online retailer, you have to also look after your own expenses and costs and make sure that you can keep your business running smoothly without many overhead expenses. According to more than 30% of online merchants, order splitting is the most costly aspect of order fulfillment. This cost can be even more challenging to manage if you carry out your order fulfillment in-house. Outsourcing your order fulfillment can allow you to get affordable services, including order splitting. When you outsource order fulfillment, you don’t have to worry about all of the steps and aspects of fulfillment, and you can focus on marketing your business to your audience instead. 

39% of micro sellers do all their shipping from only one store (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 3034)

When you are an online seller, you also have to make sure you can get all your products and stock to fulfill orders. If you cannot get your stock, you will lose out on countless retail opportunities and miss out on making sales. Having your stock is one of the most important aspects of your order fulfillment process and it affects your sales directly. Most of the micro sellers do all of their shipping from one store because it is easier for them to maintain stock for one store instead of having multiple sales channels. As an online seller, you must decide which route is more favorable for your business and create your strategy accordingly. 


Almost half (or 47%) of small-sized online retailers do all their shipping from one warehouse (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

Having one warehouse for small businesses can be more efficient and help them stay organized. If you are a small-sized online business, it is important that you can maintain all your inventory in one place and make sure your order fulfillment is streamlined. It can also be beneficial for your business to team up with a top order fulfillment company to help you manage your inventory, store your material, and fulfill your orders on time. If your shipping takes place from one warehouse, you can make sure that you manage all orders more effectively and track everything, providing your customers with a better shopping experience. 

40% of mid-sized online retailers say they use multiple warehouses for their shipping needs (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

As a mid-sized online business, having multiple warehouses can help you reach all of your customers more efficiently and it can also help you keep your inventory and stocks. However, using multiple warehouses for your shipping can also become challenging and drive your expenses. This is why teaming up with an order fulfillment company and outsourcing your operations can help you save money. When you outsource as a mid-sized online business, you can also save time and resources, allowing you to focus on your marketing strategies and increasing your sales. 


88% of enterprise-level online retailers say they use multiple warehouses to do their shipping (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

Bigger online businesses also use multiple warehouses to carry out their fulfillment and shipping. This is also crucial for you if you are using a multi-channel fulfillment approach. For your multiple sales channels, you require multiple warehouses to store your inventory and fulfill orders for your customers. Even for large enterprises, you can get support from order fulfillment companies that can carry out multi-channel fulfillment for your business with ease. This can help you streamline all orders from various sales channels and keep everything organized and running smoothly. 

Order spikes are not considered an issue by 22% of online retailers (Efulfillment Service) (soocial, 2023)

As an online retailer, you have to be prepared to handle everything, including order spikes. If you have the right order fulfillment strategy and partner, you can handle an increase in orders with ease because you don’t have to worry about fulfilling the high amount of orders and getting your stock. According to 22% of online retailers, an increase in orders is not considered an issue. 


An estimated 165 billion packages are shipped annually in the US (Forbes) (soocial, 2023)

According to Forbes, almost 165 billion packages are shipped in the U.S. every year. This is a great statistic that lets us know how many people are ordering and receiving packages every year in one country alone. As an online business, you must have a foolproof order fulfillment strategy that enables you to handle a large number of orders. If you fail to do so, you can lose out on sales. This also shows how your order fulfillment impacts retail directly, as being able to handle high amounts of orders and fulfilling them on time is crucial for a business. 

90% of global consumers believe that packaging plays a major role in ensuring the safety of the product (Ameripen, Marketplace) (soocial, 2023)

As an online business, you have to pay attention to every aspect of your order fulfillment, including your packaging. According to research and data, 90% of online shoppers globally believe that the packaging you provide plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of the products you are delivering. It is important that your packaging is up-to-the-mark and you are using the best possible packing material, making sure that all orders reach your customers in the perfect condition. 


Delivery is so important to online shoppers that more than half, or 54% of them, say it defines who they always shop with (PR Newswire) (soocial, 2023)

Without a doubt, delivery and shipping is one of the most crucial aspects of online shopping. According to 54% of online shoppers, delivery is what defines who they shop with. If you can’t provide fast and accurate delivery for your customers, it is bound to have a negative impact on your sales. As an online business, you have to make sure your fulfillment, from picking and packing to shipping, is fast and precise. This can help you keep your customers satisfied and build a loyal customer base. 

31% of global consumers say they would pay a monthly fee to become a part of a loyalty program that offers unlimited next-day deliveries (PR Newswire) (soocial, 2023)

If you have special offers, like unlimited next-day deliveries, as part of a loyalty program or subscription, 31% of all online shoppers in the world would not mind paying a monthly fee for such a program. This goes to show how much importance next-day delivery holds for online shoppers. As an online business, you must provide fast shipping for your customers, as it is one of the things they value the most and look for in any business that they shop from. 


42% of global consumers say that the ability to select the carrier that carries out the delivery is important to them (PR Newswire) (soocial, 2023)

According to 42% of online shoppers across the world, they want to be able to select the carrier that carries out the delivery for them. Having the option to choose the one they want is crucial for them and as an online business, you must take into account what your customers want from you. Having multiple carriers as part of your order fulfillment strategy can help you get more customers and improve your sales, showing us once again how order fulfillment impacts retail for online businesses. 

The Current State Of Order Fulfillment & Retail Statistics

As an online business, you should be aware of the current state of order fulfillment and how it is impacting retail. Having this information can help you make better decisions when it comes to your own order fulfillment strategy. For every ecommerce business, it is crucial to keep up with the latest trends and take into account what the customers want from online businesses. 

If you keep up with the latest trends and statistics for order fulfillment, you can also include some practices in your process that will help you keep your customers happy and satisfied. Through these statistics, you can learn more about what other online businesses are doing, the methods they are implementing for their fulfillment, and how you can incorporate these into your own strategy to provide the best for your customers. 

When you understand what customers want and use the latest trends for your order fulfillment, you can make your customers feel special. This will also show your customers that you care about their needs and what they expect from your business. So, here are some of the latest statistics that show us what the state of order fulfillment and retail is currently. 

The click-and-collect in-store delivery method is the most popular in the UK, with 68% of customers being happy with it (PR Newswire) (soocial, 2023)

As a business in the retail sector, you have to understand what your customers expect from your business and which methods they find convenient when it comes to shopping. For example, the pick-up from store delivery method has become increasingly popular, especially in the UK. 68% of customers find this method more convenient for them and choose to shop from businesses that can offer this. Offering the click-and-collect delivery method is a great way to keep your customers happy. 


In 2022, 43% of online retailers offer free delivery for all orders (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

As the world becomes more used to online shopping and ecommerce, businesses everywhere are more inclined to offer customers what they want. 43% of online retailers now offer free delivery for all orders, no matter what the order is and how much it costs. This is an excellent way to show your customers that you care about them and what they want from your business. If you have the right order fulfillment partners, you can also offer free delivery for your customers, which will also help you increase your sales. 

The online order volume has increased for 59% of ecommerce businesses in 2022 (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

As an ecommerce business, you should be aware of what the current market is like. It is important for you to understand how much ecommerce has grown all over the world. 59% of ecommerce businesses had an increased order volume in the last one year. As an ecommerce business, you have to be prepared to deal with the high number of orders. Your order fulfillment strategy needs to be foolproof and you should always have your stock on-hand, making sure you never have to face any stockouts. 


51% of ecommerce companies say their fulfillment costs have increased in the past year (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

For every ecommerce company, it is important to keep their fulfillment costs in check and make sure their expenses are as low as possible. In-house order fulfillment can be even more costly and challenging. According to statistics, 51% of ecommerce companies have complained that their fulfillment costs have increased in the past year. Working with an order fulfillment company can also help you fix your fulfillment expenses and save money, time, and other resources. 

57% of ecommerce companies say they outsource some or all of their fulfillment processes (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

In today’s day and age, outsourcing your fulfillment has become more common. More businesses all over the world realize how convenient outsourcing is and how it can help them save money, time, and labor. According to research, 57% of ecommerce companies are now outsourcing some or all of their order fulfillment processes. It is an excellent option that enables businesses to focus on other aspects of their business, develop stronger marketing strategies, and expand their reach and customer base. 


Delivery expectations are the most common fulfillment challenges, cited by 45% of online retailers (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

According to 45% of online retailers keeping up with the delivery expectations customers have is the most common fulfillment challenge. Customers want fast delivery and are not willing to wait more than two days for any order. As an ecommerce business, you need to make sure your order fulfillment is as efficient as possible and you can live up to the expectations your customers have from you. 

77% of online retailers say that labor shortage has affected their fulfillment operations in some way (SC Logistics) (soocial, 2023)

Labor shortage has become a prevalent issue for online businesses everywhere in the world, especially because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 77% of online retailers have said that labor shortage has had an effect on their order fulfillment operations in one way or another. As an online business, you have to make sure you are ready to handle labor shortages. One of the best ways to do that is by outsourcing your order fulfillment to a leading 3PL. This will take away all your worries regarding fulfillment and you won’t have to stress over not having enough staff to fulfill all the orders. 


Are You Looking For A Leading Order Fulfillment Partner?

As an online business, it is crucial that you have an order fulfillment strategy that can help you keep all customers satisfied and happy with the services you provide. Your order fulfillment impacts retail, which is why it is more important for you to make sure it is top-notch and lives up to the expectations your customers have. This can be possible if you team up with a leading order fulfillment company, like Meteor Space. 

When you team up with Meteor Space, you can make sure that all your orders are fulfilled accurately and efficiently. We will handle everything for you, from warehousing and storage, inventory and order management, pick and pack fulfillment, shipping and delivery, and so much more. With us by your side, you can always make sure your customers receive their orders on time. 

Here at Meteor Space, we can store all your products at our state of the art facility. Our warehouse spreads across 200,000 square feet, making sure all your inventory can be easily and securely stored. We can also provide you with advanced software, helping you generate accurate inventory forecasts and. This also helps us restock your inventory on time, making sure you never have to deal with any delays or disruptions. 

Not only that, but Meteor Space also offers special services like custom packaging, kitting and assembly, customer support, subscription fulfillment, and much more. When you work with us, you can take advantage of numerous services. We handle all the aspects of your order fulfillment so you don’t have to worry about a single thing. 

Meteor Space takes away all your worries and provides you with a seamless order fulfillment process. With our help, you can make sure you can focus on other elements of your business such as marketing and strategies. You can develop stronger strategies, expand your reach, improve your brand reputation, and so much more. 

Does this sound like everything you have been looking for in a fulfillment partner? Then get in touch with us right away to get started! 

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