How E-Commerce Is Affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour: The Latest Trends And Statistics

The shopping behaviour of consumers has seen a drastic change over the past couple of years. The pandemic brought a shift in the e-commerce consumer behaviour, a shift that was well on its way already and affected consumer buying behaviour as well as e-buying behaviour as a whole.

People from all around the world realized the importance and convenience of online shopping and e-buying, changing consumer buying behaviour and making e-commerce take off drastically during the pandemic. As everyone struggled to come to terms with the lockdowns and restrictions, e-buying behaviour became a go-to for everyone. 

Covid-19 left people with little choice but to shop online, and soon, whatever hesitance they might have had before seemed to fade away as e-commerce changed consumer behaviour faster than anyone anticipated. 

The pandemic acted as a catalyst to bring the change in buyer behaviour more quickly as people had no choice but to shop online during the lockdowns all across the world. E-commerce businesses of all types soared as people became more comfortable ordering everything online instead of going to a brick-and-mortar store. 

As an e-commerce business, it is crucial that you know and understand all the latest consumer buying trends and the effects they can have on your business. Let’s have a more detailed look into some of the latest statistics regarding e-commerce consumer behaviour. 

How Covid-19 Impacted Consumer Behaviour

  • Nielson (2020) revealed that 69% of people bought household items online for the first time because of the pandemic

Once the pandemic started, people were more inclined to shop for all sorts of products online, including household items and groceries. The e-commerce market saw a giant boost while brick-and-mortar stores were forced to close down due to the growing spread and risk of Covid-19 all across the world. 


  • LendingTree (2020) 1 in 5 people were spending more money on shopping than they can afford

The pandemic made people fearful of potential stockouts, which led to people purchasing items in bulk and hoarding products. According to the survey, people were spending money on purchasing items that they could not even afford, just out of fear of what may come in the future. 

  •  Klaviyo (2022) 67% of people living with children under 18 when Covid-19 struck said quick delivery is important to them, compared to 48% of those without kids at home

People who have kids at home were more inclined to fast delivery of products they ordered online. It was possible because they did not want to wait for a long time if they are in an emergency situation, especially with their children at home with them. 


  • 67% of Buyers say their online purchasing has increased significantly since the start of the pandemic

A report released by Stackla (2022) revealed that 67% of consumers said that their e-buying behaviour has increased a lot more since the start of the pandemic. As Covid-19 hit the world, people were forced to stay in their homes under strict lockdowns. There were many businesses that had to shut down their brick-and-mortar stores because buyers were not showing up in person to purchase products. 

During this, the e-commerce market grew more rapidly than ever. Consumers were making purchases online and at a speed faster than ever before. E-commerce businesses had to take steps to ensure they can meet the growing demand for shipping orders out to their customers on-time. 

As the e-commerce demands rose, online businesses had to make sure they had the right fulfillment strategies in place to keep up with their customers. Not only that, ever since the pandemic, e-commerce consumers have had higher expectations from their online shopping experience. You need to make sure you are providing your customers with the best in all aspects.  


Post-Pandemic Consumer Buying Behaviour Trends You Need To Know 

  • 31% of e-commerce dollars were spent on mobile phones 

Statista (2020) recently revealed that 31% of all e-commerce dollars spent by consumers in the U.S.  in recent years were spent through mobile phones. What does that tell e-commerce business owners and retailers? You need to work on creating an excellent mobile shopping experience for your consumers! If your online store is difficult to navigate through mobile devices, you can lose out on countless potential sales. 

It is crucial that you focus on the mobile interface of your e-commerce store as much as you do on the desktop one. The user experience for mobile devices should be convenient, simple, and easy to navigate. As an online retailer, you need to make sure that every aspect of your mobile website or application runs smoothly and your buyers face no issues throughout their purchasing journey. 

  • 76% Of online consumers now prefer convenience over everything else 

Creating a convenient online shopping experience is the key to the success of any e-commerce business, as 76% of e-commerce consumers claim that convenience is the top priority for them when it comes to shopping online. As an online store owner, you need to do everything you can to make sure your website or application is easy to use and browse. 

E-commerce consumers are more likely to return to your online store if they find it easy to navigate the first time. You can make sure the layout is simple and inviting, the products are listed in a way that makes them easy to find and look at, and there are not too many elements on the page that make it overwhelming for the buyer to browse through. 

You can also create a convenient shopping experience for your consumer through your fulfillment and shipping services. Providing fast delivery will make your e-commerce store convenient to shop from, as the buyers will know they will receive their orders on time and will not have to wait too long. 


  • Nosto (2022) 62% Of consumers are willing to join a brand’s community 

In today’s climate, online consumers are looking for a sense of community and togetherness, even when they are purchasing from an online business. 62% of e-commerce buyers said they would like to join a community for an online brand and create content for the e-commerce company if asked to do so.

The future of e-commerce consumer behaviour seems to be more focused on user-generated-content (UGC), as consumers want to take part in the marketing for online businesses and become part of their community. As an online business, you should be focused on creating an environment that can bring your consumers together in one place. 

Moving forward, asking your consumers to become part of your online store’s community will help you create a strong customer base and following for your brand, helping you reach your goals and accelerate your business growth.  

What Your Online Consumers Want From Your E-commerce Store

  • Linnworks (2022)  95% of online buyers want fast delivery 

If you are not delivering your orders fast enough, your e-commerce store will lose customers. 95% of e-commerce consumers believe that they deserve fast delivery when they place an order online. Providing your customers with fast delivery will help you create a convenient shopping experience for them and keep them satisfied with your services. 

It is crucial that your order deliveries are fast and accurate, making sure all your online buyers are happy with your e-commerce store. This is exactly why Meteor Space provides fast and accurate e-commerce shipping for online businesses. We make sure your customers get exactly what they ordered and at record speeds. We also offer competitive pricing, helping you offer lower delivery rates to your customers. 

Fast delivery is the backbone of all online businesses. If you want to succeed in the e-commerce market, you need to be prepared to meet your customer’s expectations and provide them with the best delivery experience. Offering quick order delivery will also make sure you build a loyal customer base and your buyers don’t leave you for your competitors. 


  • 81% Of consumers want seamless access across multiple devices 

81% of e-commerce consumers want a seamless experience when they move across various devices while making an online purchase Linnworks (2022). As an online business, you need to make sure that you create an experience that enables your consumers to start their buying process on one device and end it on another without facing any issues. 

E-commerce buyers have high expectations from businesses, and in order to succeed, you need to meet these expectations. Your e-commerce store should have their personal details already recorded, even if they change the device they started ordering from. 

As an online business, you need to incorporate advanced technology and create a system that makes the check-out process simpler than ever. Building a cross-device shopping experience for your online consumer can make the shopping experience easier, helping you retain your customers. 

  • 89% Of e-commerce consumers want the payment options to be convenient 

If you want your e-commerce buyer to make their decision faster and purchase from your shop without hesitation, you need to create an effortless payment experience for them. 89% of your online consumers will make the purchase quicker if the payment options you offer are convenient and simple. 

If you want to make sure you are creating the best possible shopping experience for your online consumer, you need to consider every aspect of the buyer’s journey, including the payment options you offer them. The easier it is for them to make the payment, the more likely they are to purchase from your e-commerce store. 

According to the latest consumer trends Linnsworks (2022), they want a convenient experience from start to finish. Offering flexible and simple payment options will help in creating the best experience for your online consumer. The payment gateways you use for your online store should always be easy to use and understand. Incorporating payment methods such as “buy now, pay later” will also help in creating a better shopping experience for your customer, making them more likely to purchase valuable items from your e-commerce store. 


In today’s day and age, you cannot succeed without using an omnichannel sales method online. People are always browsing through various platforms, and 70% of consumers believe they should have access to e-commerce stores on various sales channels Linnsworks (2022). 

If e-commerce consumers are browsing through their social media, they should be able to make a purchase from that platform. People don’t want the hassle of going from one platform to another just to make a purchase, which is why they need your online business to incorporate omnichannel sales into your strategy. For you to grow as an online business, you need to operate through multiple channels and reach as many people as you can. 

As an e-commerce retailer, you should be able to provide buying options to your customers on the platforms they trust. Branching out and establishing your sales channels on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook can also help you provide a convenient shopping experience for your consumers. 

  • 72% Of e-commerce buyers want a personalized experience 

Stackla (2022), 72% of online consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that creates a more personalized experience for them. When it comes to marketing for your online business, you need to understand that making your customers feel special can go a long way and help your business reach new heights. 

For example, if an email from your brand addresses your customer by their name, it will automatically grab their attention and they will listen to what you have to say. You can also use your packaging as a way to create a personalized experience for your customers. By adding special notes for the consumer and using your brand aesthetics, you can become more memorable and improve consumer buying behaviour

This is why Meteor Space also offers the option for customized packaging for your e-commerce store. We understand the importance of using your packaging to make an impact on your buyers, and we help you create a special, personalized experience for your customers to help your business grow even further. 


  • JungleScout (2022), 48% of people stay loyal to an e-commerce business if the prices are constantly low 

As an e-commerce business, you want your customers to stay loyal to your business. But how do you achieve that? According to statistics, online consumers want lower prices. If you want to retain your customers and make sure they keep coming back to your business to shop, you have to constantly offer them lower prices than your competitors. 

E-commerce consumers have access to the entire internet, which is why they can always find the best deals online. It is crucial that you keep your consumers loyal to your business by offering them the prices they can afford, making them come back to shop from you regularly. 

  • JungleScout (2022), 45% of consumers want e-commerce brands to respond to social media comments

Online buyer behavior is also impacted by your online presence, the brand image you create, your tone, how you interact with your customers, and so much more. People are more likely to come to your e-commerce social media page and see how often you reply to consumers’ queries and the transparency you maintain through your account. 

It is important that you use your social media platforms to build a strong following and customer base. Your online presence can make it easier for online consumers to trust your business and spend their money on your store, 

  • Statistia (2022), 38% Of consumers want easy-to-locate customer reviews

Customer reviews are essential and should be easy to spot on your website or page, and that is exactly how 38% of online consumers feel. Your online buyers need to read the reviews other people have left regarding your e-commerce store to make their decision, and it is important that they can find these reviews easily without having to search a lot. 

The reviews other people leave help potential buyers make up their minds. Online consumers need to know the quality of the product they are purchasing, and product reviews give them the insights they might be looking for. As an online store, your product reviews should be easy to spot on your page, making sure you are as transparent in your dealings with your customers as possible. 

How A Business’ Social, Environmental, And Governance Decisions Impact Consumer Buying Behaviour

A recent global consumer behaviour survey held by PwC showed that the social, environmental, and governance decisions of businesses have a significant impact on consumer behaviour. The decisions your e-commerce business takes, the ethics you follow, and much more, can effect the online consumers and their trust in your brand. Let’s have a look at the statistics. 

  • The environmental and sustainability practices (reducing carbon emissions, recycling, etc.) your business follows can have a 30% impact on the global consumer’s decision to purchase from your store 
  • The social practices (supporting inclusivity and diversity, human rights, etc.) your business believes in can have a 40% impact on the global consumer’s behaviour regarding your store
  • The governance practices (being ethical, being transparent in all your operations, etc.) your business follows can have a 41% effect on the consumer behaviour for your online business 

Global Consumer Buying Behaviour Comparison

If you are an online business, being aware of global consumer buying behaviour trends is always beneficial for your business. You can have customers from all across the world, and it is crucial that you keep up with the latest trends in all the e-commerce markets to have an idea of how the average consumer is behaving. 

  • PWC (2022) 41% of U.S. and Ireland consumers will shop at multiple retailers to meet all their needs and requirements, compared to 39% of consumers from China, and 31% of consumers from Mexico.


  • PWC (2022) 31% of consumers from Ireland and the U.S. will look at other comparison websites to check for the availability of the product they want, compared to 42% of consumers from China, and 45% of consumers from Mexico. 


  • PWC (2022) 26% of consumers from the U.S. will actually change the retailer they usually shop from just to get the product they want, compared to 25% of consumers in Ireland, 29% of consumers in China, and 34% of consumers in Mexico.


Looking For Help For Your E-commerce Business? 

As an e-commerce store, you need to be sure you are aware of all the latest consumer behaviour trends and understand what your customers are looking for. No matter how much the times change, one thing will remain the same: your online buyers want fast order deliveries! 

Leading fulfillment centres and 3PLs, like Meteor Space, can help you reach your customers on time and provide accurate order fulfillment every time. You can rest easy knowing that we will handle all your order fulfillment needs, from storing inventory, picking and packing orders, to fast shipping. 

With our help, you can focus on building your brand and creating a top-notch shopping experience for your online buyers based on the latest trends and statistics. We make sure you don’t have to worry about order delivery and warehousing, so you can put all your effort into creating marketing strategies that help generate more sales! 

Get started today!

E-buying behaviour describes the steps customers take when choosing a product to buy online. E-buying has become a common and practical way for people to acquire goods and services as technology and the internet have advanced. E-commerce enables customers to shop from the convenience of their homes, compare prices, and make wise choices. Companies with a better chance of success in the cutthroat world of online shopping are those that recognise and respond to the wants and preferences of their e-buying clients. Businesses may build a devoted consumer base and spur growth by offering a flawless and customised e-buying experience.

The behaviours and choices people make when making purchases of products or services online are referred to as online consumer behaviour. This covers the steps of searching for and evaluating products, choosing to buy them, and reviewing them afterward. Numerous elements, including website design, product details, customer reviews, and suggestions, as well as psychological and personal elements like drive, attitude, and values, have an impact on how consumers behave online. Studying online consumer behaviour can help businesses better understand their target market and enhance the online buying experience, which will ultimately result in more satisfied and devoted customers.

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