The Importance Of Fast Delivery: Statistics That Prove How Your Shipping And Delivery Speed Impacts Your Business

As an ecommerce business, you need to understand the importance of offering fast delivery and shipping for your customers. People have started shopping online more and the ecommerce industry has seen a massive boost over the years. There are countless ecommerce businesses starting every day, and to set yourself apart from them and make a name for yourself in this competitive environment, you need top-notch delivery services. 

Online store owners often overlook the importance of delivery times, which can become detrimental to your business’ success. To establish your place at the top, you need to offer convenient delivery services for your customers. It is crucial that every order that is delivered to your customers is accurate and on-time. 

If you are lacking with the delivery service for your ecommerce business, it can drive customers away and lower your sales instead of increasing them. All ecommerce businesses have to understand that the delivery and shipping experience a customer has with your online store determines whether or not they will come back to shop again from your business. 

Looking at the top statistics and latest trends for the ecommerce shipping sector can give you a better idea of the practices you should incorporate into your own delivery process and what your customers are expecting from you. 

General Ecommerce Delivery And Shipping Statistics

  • Ecommerce shipping saw a rise of 48% in just two years (Transport Topics, 2017)

The ecommerce industry has grown exponentially over the last decade and will continue to grow. As more and more people shop online, the need for ecommerce shipping and delivery also grows. Every day, new ecommerce businesses pop up on the map, and without shipping, these businesses cannot operate. This is why ecommerce shipping has become as essential part of the online shopping industry and continues to grow. 

  • 41% of consumers in the US receive at least one Amazon delivery every week (Walker Sands, 2018) 

Shopping online has become a norm in today’s day and age, especially after the pandemic hit and brick-and-mortar stores were forced to close down. Amazon is one of the biggest ecommerce marketplaces in the world, and one of the leading platforms in the US. They offer special shipping services for their premium customers, providing customers with more incentive to shop from Amazon. This is why, people living in the US frequently purchase from Amazon and receive at least one delivery per week.

  • 88% of consumers are more willing to purchase from an ecommerce store that offers free shipping (Inc, 2022)

Free shipping is an excellent incentive for ecommerce businesses to offer to their customers. Most people hesitate when purchasing an item from an online store if they have to pay for shipping, which is why they end up abandoning their shopping carts. Ecommerce businesses that use the right strategies and can afford to offer free shipping to their customers should provide it, as it will help boost your business and increase sales

  • 83% of online shoppers want regular customer support and communication regarding their order status (Cision, 2013)

Providing customer support is a crucial aspect of running an online business. You need to make sure your customers are comfortable and have a positive experience when purchasing from your online store, which is why it is vital that you offer customer support and communication throughout the order process, especially during delivery when they need updates on where their order is. 

  • 87% of consumers are willing to shop at online stores that also offer free shipping for returns (Inc, 2022)

Customers that shop online know that there are certain risks attached to it. They might not receive the right size, colour, or the material they were hoping for. There are also chances of goods getting damaged during transportation, which is why online shoppers will go through your return policy before they make a purchase. If an ecommerce store offers free returns shipping, they feel more comfortable making a purchase because even if they have to return the item, it will not cost them.

  • 54% of online shoppers claimed they would shop from a store again if the delivery conditions are clear (Ready Cloud, 2021)

As an ecommerce business, you need to be clear and transparent regarding your delivery conditions. It is essential that you let your customers know exactly when they should expect the order to get delivered, and then live up to those expectations. Online customers want to be sure they are making the right decision when shopping from your online store, and providing clear details regarding delivery will put them at ease and make them feel more comfortable shopping from your online store. 

  • 58% of online shoppers in the US have added more items to their carts to qualify for free shipping (Inc, 2022) 

Often, ecommerce store offer free shipping if the customer’s order comes up to a certain total amount. Online shoppers that prefer free shipping are more willing to add items to their cart and increase their total in order to receive free shipping. Having this option for your online store is extremely beneficial for you, as it helps you increase the sales and keep your customers satisfied and happy by providing them with free shipping. 

  • 43% of consumers abandon their online shopping carts if the shipping prices are too high (Tinuiti, 2014)

Once an online customer has selected the items they want to purchase and added them to their cart, they head over to the check-out page. This is where they find out what the shipping charges are and almost half of the customers are likely to abandon their shopping carts and not make a purchase from your store if they feel the shipping charges are too high. As an online business, you need to work with ecommerce shipping providers that can help you cut down on shipping charges to make sure customers are not abandoning their shopping carts in your online store. 


  • 70% of online retailers are working to improve their communication and tracking information to provide a better customer experience (Convery, 2022)

As the ecommerce industry grows and reaches new heights, it is becoming more and more competitive. Online retailers understand that they need to provide better services than their competitors in order to keep customers coming to their online store and shopping from them. This is why most online retailers are trying to improve their order tracking and systems and provide customers with better updates to maintain transparency and offer advanced order tracking. Improving order tracking and customer support can create a better experience for your customers. 

  • 95% of online shoppers expect all shipping issues to be resolved while in transit (Convery, 2022)

If there are any issues with the shipping or your ecommerce shipping partner is facing trouble, your customers expect all the issues to be solved while the order is in transit and during the time they were promised it would take to get the order delivered. Customers that shop online do not want to face order delays because of the troubles at the other end, and they expect their orders to be delivered to them at the estimated time of arrival provided to them. 

  • 38% of online retailers are worried about meeting the fast delivery expectations customers have (Convery, 2022)

As the ecommerce industry grows and more businesses start offering faster and faster delivery times to customers, other online retailers are growing more worried. The expectations that have been set by online businesses for delivery times cannot be met by some of the online retailers, and they worry that they will lose out on potential sales because they cannot live up to the customer expectations of delivery times. Ecommerce shipping is becoming more competitive, and some businesses cannot keep up and provide their customers with the fast delivery they expect, which results in the online customers purchasing from other brands and stores. 

  • 36% of ecommerce sellers are also worried about the low shipping costs their customers expect (Convery, 2022)

Some online businesses do not have the resources to offer low delivery rates to their customers or free shipping because the shipping companies they work with do not offer them low prices. Many online businesses ship out the orders themselves, making shipping costs even higher for them. These businesses worry that they will lose their customers and sales to other businesses who can offer low shipping prices or free shipping because they have the resources to do so. 

  • 53% of ecommerce retailers find shipping and logistics processes challenging (Convery, 2022)

There is no doubt that ecommerce shipping and logistics are challenging for most businesses. If you are carrying out these processes in-house, they can take up all your time and resources, not giving you the opportunity to focus on growing your business or developing sales and marketing strategies. If you find ecommerce shipping and logistics difficult to manage, the best option for you is to outsource them to a leading order fulfillment company. Outsourcing ecommerce shipping and logistics will help you cut costs, save your time, and the top ecommerce fulfillment companies can provide low shipping costs for your customers and ensure they always get their orders on time.

  • Free shipping can reduce cart abandonment on ecommerce stores by 18% (Nosto, 2022)

Although it can be challenging for some online businesses to offer free shipping to customers, especially if the business caters to customers globally, but there is no doubt that free shipping can reduce the cart abandonment rate on your ecommerce website. It is important that you find the right resources that help you provide free shipping, even if you can offer free shipping after a customer has purchased items that add up to a specific amount, you should. Free shipping is something that is always enticing for online shoppers and can help you improve your sales and increase the revenue for your online store. It also adds to the overall customer experience, making it more positive. 

Why Fast Delivery Has Become Crucial

  • Only 15% of online shoppers in the US are satisfied with the delivery speeds (Ready Cloud, 2021)

The ecommerce industry in the US has grown significantly over the years. With giants like Amazon providing unmatched delivery times and services for their premium customers, it is becoming more challenging more other ecommerce businesses to keep up with the expectations the customers have. Online shoppers in the US have higher expectations from the online stores they order from, and the stores often fail to live up to these expectations. It is crucial that ecommerce businesses know the delivery speeds their customers expect and provide these delivery speeds for them. If your customers are not satisfied with the delivery speed you offer, they are less likely to come back and shop from your online store again. 

  • 77% of online shoppers say under 2 hours or less is the acceptable delivery window (Localz, 2013)

According to a global survey, people think that delivering orders under 2 hours or less is an acceptable expectation to have from ecommerce stores. As the pandemic hit, people were even shopping for groceries online, and they believe that these items should reach them in under two hours. If you are an ecommerce business that is delivering locally, you can meet these expectations and provide your customers with the delivery speed they expect. As an online store, if you can deliver items in under 2 hours, you will improve the customer satisfaction levels for your business and people will return to shop from you. 


  • 53% of customers have cancelled or abandoned their purchase because the delivery was too slow  (Marketing Profs, 2022) 

It is becoming more clear why fast delivery is important for your online business. More than 50% of your online customers will cancel the order or abandon their purchase from your store if you fail to provide them with fast delivery. It is crucial that you let your customers know whatwhat the estimated time of arrival for their order is and then deliver the order when they expect it to arrive. It is important that you focus on providing your customers with fast order delivery because if you fail to do so, they are more likely to make a purchase from your competitors who can offer them faster delivery of orders. 

  • 62% of online customers in the US believe fast delivery is the most important aspect of a positive customer experience (Insider Intelligence, 2019)

Once again, proving why you need to up your delivery game and start providing speedy delivery for your ecommerce customers. The time it takes for an order to get to the customer is what determines whether or not their shopping experience with your store was positive. Ecommerce delivery is one of the most crucial aspects of your online business, and you need to make sure all your customers receive their orders on time without any hassle. If your ecommerce delivery is not fast enough, your customers will not be satisfied with their experience with your business and are less likely to come back to purchase from you again. 


  • Amazon is spending an extra 1.5 billion USD to provide one-day shipping for customers (CNN Business, 2019)

As one of the biggest ecommerce platforms in the world, Amazon understands what the customers want in these times, which is why it is willing to invest extra capital to provide the customers with one-day shipping. It is important to note that Amazon is an industry giant and has the resources to spend the money and provide customers with faster delivery speeds. However, even if you are a small online business, you can still work with some top shipping providers to offer faster delivery times for your customers. All you need to understand is that people are expecting ecommerce businesses to provide fast delivery and if you want to be successful and grow your business, that is what you need to offer to your customers. 

  • 53% of online retailers provide same-day delivery for their customers (Digital Commerce 360, 2022)

Online retailers and ecommerce business owners have started to realize the importance of fast delivery. Customers that shop on ecommerce stores do not want to wait long for their orders, which is why more than half of the online retailers are all set to provide same-day delivery for their customers. They know that the success and number of sales for their online business depends on the delivery speed they can offer, which is why they have shifted their focus on providing same-day delivery to their customers. However, that does mean that almost half of online retailers and businesses are still not offering same-day delivery for their customers, nor are they planning on doing so. As an online business, it is vital that you know what your customers want, and then provide it for them. In this case, it is same-day delivery. 


  • Only 20% of retailers offer delivery within a few hours (Digital Commerce 360, 2022)

Delivering orders within a few hours of the order being placed is not an easy task. There are multiple factors that you have to take into account. For example, if you are an online retailer catering to international clients, you cannot offer delivery within a few hours and neither will your customers expect you to. Similarly, if you take custom orders that take time to create, you cannot provide delivery within a few hours and your customers also understand that. However, there are some online stores that can and should provide delivery within a few hours. Ecommerce stores selling medicines and medical supplies should offer delivery within a few hours. Online retailers selling food can also do the same. Ecommerce businesses that sell household items and groceries are also expected to deliver within a few hours, and most of them provide delivery within a few hours as well, keeping their customers satisfied. 

  • 65% of online merchants plan on offering same-day delivery in the coming years (Retail Dive, 2017) 

The need for same-day delivery is growing with each passing day. People have high expectations from businesses when it comes to fast delivery, and most people choose to purchase from online stores only if they can offer same-day delivery. Ecommerce businesses and online retailers are understanding how crucial same-day delivery has become and how important it is to live up to the expectations customers have from them regarding delivery times. Most ecommerce retailers are focusing on developing strategies and partnerships that will help them offer same-day delivery for their customers, making sure their customers don’t leave them and their sales don’t decrease. 

  • 50% of online consumers that use same-day delivery want the order immediately (Simpson, 2015)

Online consumers purchase from retailers that offer same-day delivery because they need the ordered items immediately. It is important that even with same-day delivery, ecommerce retailers try their best to deliver the order within a few hours because most customers are expecting that. If you cannot deliver the order immediately, the customers will have a poor experience with your store and hesitate before making a purchase from you again. It is crucial that you understand that almost half of the customers that want same-day delivery are expecting you to deliver the order immediately and not make them wait for hours. One of the main reasons these customers choose same-day delivery is because they require the ordered item fast. 

  • 44% of customers said they are willing to wait only 2 days for their order to get delivered (Statistia, 2022)

According to one survey, most customers said they do not want to wait longer than 2 days to receive their order. This means that most people believe that the maximum time it should take for their order to get delivered to them is 2 days. As an ecommerce retailer, you need to keep that in mind. When a customer is making a purchase from your store, you should be able to provide them with a 2-day delivery time. This way, they will be more inclined to make the purchase. It is also important that you live up to their expectations and deliver the order within 2 days, making sure that their experience with your store is a positive one and that they keep coming back to purchase from you without any hesitation. 

  • 41% of online shoppers are willing to pay extra for same-day delivery (PWC, 2022) 

If you run an ecommerce store, you can offer your customers different delivery options to make their experience better. For example, you can have your standard delivery option, express delivery option, and same-day delivery option. You can also charge your customers the shipping fee based on the shipping option they choose. As you can see, online customers are willing to pay extra money for same-day delivery. Having this option on your website can also help you cover the costs for the faster delivery speed and keep your customers satisfied with the service you provide. Having more than one delivery option can also be helpful for your customers, as the customers that don’t want fast delivery can choose not to pay extra for their shipping. 

  • 24% of consumers that took part in a survey said they would be willing to pay more for a delivery within 1-2 hours (PWC, 2022)

Once again, you can see how having different delivery times and options for your customers can be beneficial for your business and for your customers. You can charge extra if you are going to deliver within a few hours and cover your own costs. More customers than you think are willing to pay extra money to get their orders delivered to them faster, especially if they need it immediately. Offering different delivery times can help you keep your customers satisfied with your service and also take some burden off of you, as you will not have to worry about delivering every single order within a few hours or on the same day, just the ones that pay for faster delivery. 

  • 72% of Amazon Prime users claim free and fast shipping as the main reason for them to use the service (PWC, 2022) 

Fast and free shipping can take your ecommerce business to new heights. People in today’s day and age do not want to wait days or weeks to receive their order. They want quick and speedy delivery service. Amazon Prime is an excellent example of what people want. One of the most significant reasons why so many people are still subscribed to Amazon Prime is because it offers them fast and free shipping, enhancing their online shopping experience. With Amazon Prime, they do not have to worry about waiting for their orders or abandoning their carts because the shipping prices are too high. This is why Amazon has established itself as one of the ecommerce leaders in the world: it provides the customers with exactly what they want. 


  • 97% of online consumers consider same-day delivery as “fast” while 95% claim that next-day delivery is “fast” for them 

When it comes to “fast” delivery, there is no time period set in stone. According to one survey, 97% of online customers think that same-day delivery is fast, while 95% think that next-day delivery is also considered fast delivery by them. As an ecommerce business, you should focus on providing delivery within 2 days to make sure that your services are considered fast by most of your customers. Keeping your delivery time under 2 days can help you satisfy your customers and make sure they don’t have a poor shopping experience when shopping from your online store. As long as you understand what your customers expect from you and provide it to them, your online business is guaranteed to become successful. 

  • Only 20% of consumers were forgiving online retailers for delivery delays and disruptions due to supply chain issues in 2021 (Havard Business Review, 2021)

When it comes to online shopping, consumers are not very forgiving. The delivery service you provide for them is the most important aspect of their customer experience, and if you mess that up, they will hold it against you. It is understandable that many online businesses faced issues like delays in deliveries due the supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic. However, most online customers are not so understanding. If you are facing supply chain issues that cause delays in delivery of orders, people will count it as a negative experience and it will hold them back from coming to your online store again and making a purchase. 

  • 46% of online consumers stated that reliability is the top attribute they look for in an online retailer (PWC, 2022)

If you cannot rely on the online retailer you purchase from, your online shopping experience will not be great. That is what most online customers believe. They want to purchase from retailers that can offer them accurate ETAs and deliver according to the ETAs they provide. As an ecommerce business, the delivery time you offer your customers and how much you live up to their expectations with your delivery speed can define whether or not your customers can rely on your business. It is crucial that you provide the best delivery speed and satisfy your customers with every order, becoming more reliable in their eyes. If your customers think of you as an online store that is reliable, they will increase their loyalty towards your ecommerce business and brand. 

Your Delivery Effects Loyalty To Your Brand

  • 98.1% of ecommerce consumers say delivery experience effects their loyalty towards a brand (EFT Last Mile Retail Study, 2018)

Almost all online consumers will rate their experience with a brand and decide whether they will come back to shop from there again depending on the delivery experience. If you want customers to buy from you and become a loyal customer for your ecommerce brand, you need to focus on the delivery and shipping service you offer to your customers. Ecommerce businesses that have fast and affordable shipping can easily build a strong customer base and grow their business. 


  • 84% of consumers will not come back to shop from you after just one poor delivery experience (Convery, 2022)

Ecommerce businesses need to realize that you make your first impression on your online customers through the delivery you offer. If you provide a poor delivery service the first time you deliver to your customers, they will avoid coming back to your online store to shop again. It is essential that your delivery services are up to the mark and create a positive experience, especially the first time you deliver an order to your customer and keep maintaining the standard and build a solid customer base. 

  • 94% of online consumers will choose a different ecommerce brand based on the collection or delivery options available (Localz, 2017)

As an ecommerce business, you need to understand that online customers will not be loyal to your brand until they have an experience with your business. If you are not offering top-notch delivery and shipping services upfront, online customers will move to a different ecommerce brand. You need to make sure that you are offering the most convenient shipping or collection options to make sure you get more customers and create an enjoyable experience for your customers so they keep coming back to your brand. 

  • 82% of customers that are satisfied with the delivery service will share and recommend the brand to friends and family (Capgemini, 2022)

As an ecommerce business, you should always focus on creating the best delivery service possible. If your online customers are happy with the delivery experience you provide, they are more likely to talk about your online business to their friends and family. There is no better marketing than word of mouth, and your delivery service can market you in the best way possible to others. This is crucial and can help increase your business and improve your sales. 

  • 72% of customers satisfied with the delivery service will increase their purchase levels with the brand by 12% (Capgemini, 2022)

When online customers are satisfied with your delivery and shipping services, they are more likely to increase the amount of purchases they make from your ecommerce store. Not only does excellent delivery service help you build a solid customer base, but it also increases the money they spend on your store and also increases your sales. Ecommerce businesses need to understand that fast delivery service creates an exceptional customer experience and helps you grow your business and reach new heights. 

Delivery Matters When It Comes To Customer Experience

  • 75% of online customers believe that efficient communication during delivery is part of the customer experience (EFT Last Mile Retail Study, 2018)

When it comes to ecommerce shipping, all online retailers need to understand the value of efficient and clear communication. Your customer support team should always be on-hand to help answer any queries your customers have regarding delivery. It is also essential that you keep your customers updated on the status of the order. Sending frequent updates to your customers regarding the order being delivered can significantly improve the experience they have with your online store and it will make them more likely to come back to you for more purchases. 

  • 40% of online customers claim that the post-purchase part is the most memorable part of the customer experience (Retail Dive, 2016) 

Do you pay attention to every detail after your customer has placed an order with your online store? If not, you can lose out on sales and people will move on to your competitors. It is important that your services till the order is delivered to your customer’s door are top-notch and you keep them updated. Having a transparent approach towards the post-purchase process with your customers will improve their experience with your online business and increase their loyalty towards your brand. 

  • 57% of online customers say that online retailers are mediocre when it comes to the final mile (EFT Last Mile Retail Study, 2018)

As of now, online customers are not satisfied with the services most ecommerce businesses provide once the order has been dispatched. People want to stay in the loop and stay updated with the status of their order. It is important that you provide order tracking for them, enabling them to have a convenient and stress-free experience with your online store. As an ecommerce business, if you cannot keep your customers updated on the progress of the order delivery, they will count it as poor customer experience and avoid shopping from your online business in the future. 

  • 73.6% of online shoppers believe delivery is the most important aspect of the overall customer experience (Total Retail, 2022)

The ecommerce shipping service you use and the delivery experience you provide for your customers will make or break your reputation in the online world. Most customers believe that fast and accurate order delivery is the most important factor for them, which is why all ecommerce businesses need to take their shipping services up a notch. It is important that you know where you lack when it comes to order delivery and do your best to improve your services, creating an excellent experience for your customers. 

  • 94% of customers will blame the online retailer for a poor delivery experience (Supply Chain Dive, 2016) 

It will not matter who is actually at fault for any delay or disruption during order delivery to your customers, they will always hold the ecommerce brand accountable for the poor experience. Whether it was due to your supplier not restocking your inventory on time, the shipping service you use facing issues, or anything else, it will not matter to your customers. At the end of the day, they were waiting for their order from you to arrive on time, so when it doesn’t, they will blame your business for creating a poor customer experience and avoid you for any future sales. 


Delivery Tracking 

  • 83% of consumers want accurate ETA (Go For, 2020) 

When a customer places an order with your ecommerce store, they want to know exactly when they should expect the order to be delivered. It is important that you have the tools and resources to provide them with accurate ETA, so they are not left hanging or contacting you again and again to find out when they should expect the order to arrive. By providing accurate ETAs, you can make your customers feel more at ease and comfortable after they have placed their order. 

  • 51% of online shoppers want visibility regarding their order status in real-time (EFT Last Mile Retail Study, 2018)

Online shoppers find it more convenient when they can track their order in real-time. As an ecommerce business, you should incorporate software that enables you to provide this level of transparency to your customers and allow them to track their orders from the moment they place it. Your customers want to know exactly where the order is, and real-time tracking can enable them to have a stress-free experience, making them come back to shop from your online store again. 

  • 93% of online consumers claim they want to be kept in the loop and receive regular updates regarding their shipments (EFT Last Mile Retail Study, 2018)

Of course, no one wants to be kept out of the loop and not know where their orders are and when they will be delivered. Almost everyone shopping online wants your ecommerce business to provide them with regular updates and tracking services that can make their experience better than ever. 

  • 73% of online retailers and shipping providers cannot provide real-time tracking to their customers (Project 44, 2019)

As an ecommerce business, especially a small business, it can be difficult to invest in bespoke software and technology that can enable you to provide your customers with real-time order tracking. Many ecommerce businesses feel like they lack the technology that can help them provide the best experience for their customers and keep them satisfied with the services. 



Want To Provide Fast And Accurate Ecommerce Shipping To Your Customers?

There is no doubt that after looking at all the statistics mentioned above, you want to improve the delivery process for your ecommerce store and provide your customers with the best experience. But how can you do that when you have so many other aspects of your business that you need to focus on?

One of the best ways to make sure your customers are always satisfied with their order deliveries is by outsourcing to a leading order fulfillment company, like Meteor Space. We offer a wide range of services, including pick and pack fulfillment and ecommerce shipping. As one of the leading ecommerce fulfillment providers, we make sure your customers have the best experience. 

Meteor Space ensures that all orders are picked accurately and shipped to your customers on time. We work with some of the top shipping companies in the world to provide you with affordable and fast delivery for your customers. 

We use bespoke software solutions that can provide you with accurate status of all your orders and offer real-time order tracking. Meteor Space makes sure that all your ecommerce shipping needs are met, including software and technology needs. With our help, you can focus on growing your ecommerce business without having to stress about the delivery experience your customers get. 

Want to know more about our leading ecommerce shipping services?

Talk to our experts today!

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