Importance Of Customer Service For Ecommerce: Statistics You Should Know

Here are some interesting statistics that can help you understand the importance of customer service for ecommerce

When you have an ecommerce business, there are numerous factors that you have to take in account and different aspects of your business that you must focus on in order to be successful. If you want your online store to do well, there are countless steps you can take to ensure your success and build your brand’s image on the internet. 

One of the most critical aspects of an online business that often gets overlooked is your customer service. It is absolutely crucial that an ecommerce business provides top-notch customer support and service to their consumers if they want to make an excellent impression and improve their customer retention rates. 

Without amazing customer service for ecommerce, you can lose out on many opportunities to attract customers and retain them. As an ecommerce business, you have many options to outsource customer service to other third-party companies that can provide leading services for you. There are also many tools and technologies available that can help with your customer service. 

To understand the importance of customer service for ecommerce, it is crucial to first understand what it really is and all the different aspects of ecommerce customer service. So, let’s take a closer look at what customer service in ecommerce entails.

What Is Customer Service For Ecommerce?

Customer service for ecommerce is similar to customer service for any other business or sector. In simple terms, ecommerce customer service is providing your customers with the support and assistance they require when they shop from your online store. This, however, also has many different aspects to it. 

For example, you can provide AI chatbots on your online website as a source of customer service. You can also add Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at the end of every page to help your customers and answer their queries as quickly as possible. Offering contact information is also another way of providing customer support. 

When it comes to customer service for ecommerce, you have to understand that your customers have high expectations from your team and you need to offer fast response times for them. It is vital that you can resolve any queries your customers have as efficiently and thoroughly as possible. 

There are many companies, like Meteor Space, that can provide customer support services for your ecommerce business, helping you manage customer expectations and keep your customers satisfied with the service they receive. 

To understand the complete scope and importance of customer service for ecommerce, here are some statistics that we have compiled for you. Let’s dive right in!

Latest General Customer Service Statistics

Experience management market worldwide is worth as much as $11.34 billion in 2022, which is a 12.2 percent year-over-year increase from its value of $10.11 billion in 2021 and is expected to increase to $32.53 billion by 2029 (fortunebusinessinsights, 2022)

The customer experience management market is also a sector that has grown over the years. As more online businesses take flight and the ecommerce industry becomes greater with each passing day, the customer experience management sector is also witnessing growth. Every new ecommerce business that starts needs to create the best possible customer experience and offer top-notch customer service. This statistic shows how far the industry has come over the past years and how much it is set to grow in the coming years as well. 

The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the customer experience management market is expected at 16.2 percent from 2022 to 2029 (oberlo, 2022)

According to market research and data recorded, the customer experience management sector is all set to grow at a CAGR of 16.2% from 2022 to 2029. This is an incredible rate of growth, showing us once again how big this sector will become over the coming years. 


According to research by the Harvard Business Review, customer service was among the hardest-hit company functions due to the Covid-19 pandemic (richpanel, 2022)

The pandemic was tough on businesses and companies all over the world. One of the sectors and company functions that was hit the hardest due to the pandemic was customer service and support. 

64% of business leaders say that customer service has a positive impact on their company’s growth

According to a majority of business leaders, customer service is an integral part of their business and has a positive impact on the growth of their business. 


A good customer service experience heavily impacts recommendations, as 94% of consumers who give a company a “very good” CX rating are likely to recommend that company (successqualtrics, 2021)

As a business, you want people to recommend your company to others, helping your business and grow. One of the best ways to make sure that happens is by providing top-notch customer service and creating an unforgettable customer experience. If people rate your CX as “very good”, they are more likely to recommend your company to others. 

After more than one bad experience, around 76% of consumers say they would rather do business with a competitor

It is crucial that you provide excellent customer service and keep your customers happy. According to 76% of consumers, they will turn to your competitors to do business after just one bad customer service experience. 


About three-quarters of consumers who give a company a “very good” CX rating are likely to forgive a company for a bad experience, but only 15% of those who gave a company a “very poor” CX rating say the same (successqualtrics, 2021)

If the customer service you provide is excellent, people are more likely to forgive your company for one bad experience. However, if the overall customer service you provide is poor, people are less likely to forgive you for any bad experience that they have with your company. 

33% of consumers would consider switching companies immediately after poor customer service (templatelab, 2021)

Your customer service can make or break your business. It is an important company function that can help you keep your customers happy with your business. Almost one-third of all consumers will immediately switch to another business after having a poor customer service experience. 


69% of customers say they’re willing to interact with a bot on simple issues, a 23% increase from the previous year

AI chatbots are becoming more common, especially when it comes to customer service for ecommerce. More customers are now willing to interact with a bot to resolve any simple issues that they might be facing. 

54% of customers say that their biggest frustration with chatbots is the number of questions they must answer before being transferred to a human agent

A lot of consumers still have an issue when it comes to chat bots as part of customer service for ecommerce. People think that the number of questions they have to answer before their query is transferred to a human agent is very high and it can get bothersome. 


33% of consumers would rather contact a company’s customer service via social media rather than by phone (invespcro,2021)

We are living in the age of social media, and this is true even for customer service. One third of all consumers would rather choose to get in touch with a company’s customer service through their social media instead of the phone. 

Millennials prefer live chat for customer service over every other communication channel (comm100, 2019)

When it comes to customer service for millennials, you should keep in mind that they prefer live chat over all the other communication channels that are present. If your business is catering to millennials, it is important that you use live chat for your customer service. 


33% of customers are most frustrated by having to wait on hold, while 33% are most frustrated by having to repeat themselves to multiple support reps (hubspot, 2023)

It is important to understand what steps you can take to improve your customer service and support. For example, making your customers wait on hold for a long time can lead to them having an unpleasant experience. Similarly, if you transfer them from one customer support representative to another and make them repeat themselves over and over again, it can also lead to them having a poor customer service experience. 

35% of consumers find it very important to have a fully self-serve customer care option available to resolve their issues (goemplifi, 2021)

When you run a business, you have to keep in mind what your customers want. As far as customer service for ecommerce is concerned, you need to make sure you provide a self-serve customer care option on your website as well, which is what most customers prefer. They should be able to solve their queries through the information present on your website instead of waiting to talk to a customer support representative every time.



54 percent of customers report that customer service feels like an afterthought for most of the businesses they buy from

It is no secret that customer service is an important aspect of every business, whether online or not. However, a lot of businesses still don’t pay a lot of attention to it. More than 50% of customers feel like the customer service businesses offer is nothing more than an afterthought, with businesses not putting much effort into it. 

53% of shoppers believe their feedback doesn’t go to anyone who can actually act on it

As a business, you must make sure your customers always feel heard and their queries are resolved effectively. Currently, more than 50% of shoppers believe that the feedback they provide does not reach anyone that can take any action regarding it, making them feel like they’re time has been wasted. 


59% of customers say it feels like most businesses need to improve the training of their customer service agents (cxtrends, 2022)

Whether it is customer service for ecommerce or any other business, it is crucial that your customer support representatives and agents are well-trained and can help your customers. Almost 60% of shoppers feel like businesses need to provide better training for their customer support agents. 

36% of consumers overall will share their customer service experience, whether good or bad, with more than a third report posting on Facebook, followed closely by Instagram (cfigroup, 2022)

Almost 40% of customers overall will talk about their customer service experience with a business to other people. This is why it is important that you provide excellent customer service and make sure your customers don’t have anything to complain about when they talk about the experience they had with your business. 


94% of American customers will recommend a company whose service they rate as “very good.” (successqualtrics, 2022)

When it comes to customer service in America, it is crucial to note that almost 95% of American customers will recommend a company if they have a good customer service experience with them. 

50% of customers say they don’t share their bad or good service experiences through social media (successqualtrics, 2022)

There is still a large percentage of people who don’t post about the customer service experience they had on any social media platforms. However, if you can provide excellent customer service to them, maybe this can change. 


43% of consumers place high importance on previous positive customer experience with a brand when considering a new purchase (goemplifi, 2022)

The customer service experience you provide for your customers also matters when it comes to your business growth and sales. If consumers have had a positive customer service experience with your business previously, they are more likely to consider shopping from you again. 

Your online conversion rate can improve by roughly 8% when you include personalized consumer experiences (trustpilot, 2023)

Providing personalized customer service for ecommerce is also important for your business. If you personalize the customer service experience for your customers, your online conversion rate can increase by almost 8%, which is a lot. 


54% of consumers say they expect a company to share information so they don’t have to repeat themselves

When creating the customer service experience for your business, you need to know what your customers expect from your business. For example, more than 50% of shoppers say that they expect a company to share information with their team so the customers don’t have to repeat themselves. 

69% of consumers first try to resolve their issue on their own, but less than one-third of companies offer self-service options such as a knowledge base

When it comes to customer service, around 69% of consumers try to resolve the issues on their own first without having to contact a customer service agent. However, a lot of businesses still don’t provide self-service options for customers, making it more challenging for the customers. 


Customer Service For Ecommerce: Statistics You Should Know

Customer service is the number one factor determining a client’s confidence in an organization according to research data (richpanel, 2023)

If you want your clients to be confident in your business, you need to provide top-notch customer service. When it comes to customer service for ecommerce, it is a crucial component of your business that can make your customers want to come back to your online store to shop again. Your customer service is what can help you retain your customers and maintain your sales. 

For about 95% of consumers, customer service is key to their brand loyalty (richpanel, 2022)

As an online brand, you want to make sure your consumers are loyal to you and satisfied with your business. This is where customer service for ecommerce comes in. It is the key to customer loyalty and the quality of your customer support can ensure you retain your customers. 


A staggering 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience (richpanel, 2022)

If you want your customers to come back and make more purchases from your business, you need to offer top-notch customer service for ecommerce. It is crucial that your customers always feel heard through the customer support you provide. 

60% of consumers deserted a brand and switched to a rival company because of poor customer service (richpaneel, 2023)

If your customer service for ecommerce is not top-notch, there is a chance that 60% of consumers will switch to your rival brand to make a purchase. You need to make sure that the customer support you offer is not of poor quality. 


75% of consumers prefer interacting with a real person even as the technology for automated solutions improves (richpanel, 2022)

Even if you are an ecommerce business, having a human customer support representative can be a crucial step that makes you stand out from competition. Around 75% of consumers prefer to interact with a real person instead of a bot. 

As per Statista, one-third of all consumers consider the most important aspect of good customer service experiences to be the ability to get their problem solved in one single sitting (regardless of the amount of time spent) (richpanel, 2022)

Another important statistic to note that can help you improve the customer service you provide is knowing how one-third of all your consumers want their queries to be resolved in one single sitting. It is crucial that you can provide your customers with solutions within one sitting instead of having them come back or make multiple visits to your website to find answers. 


Salesforce predicts that six out of every ten consumers share bad experiences with others, which can cause an ecommerce brand a lot of undue reputational damage

According to predictions, 60% of consumers share their bad customer service experiences with others. If you cannot provide excellent customer service for ecommerce, your brand reputation can be in trouble. 

As per HubSpot, around 68% of consumers are willing to fork out more for products and services from a brand that’s known to offer good customer service experiences (richpanel, 2022)

Almost 70% of consumers are willing to spend more on services and products when they are doing business with a company that provides top-notch customer service. Consumers are more willing to use the customer service offered to them to find out about products and services, leading to more sales for your business. 


Customer service is representative of a brand’s values, mission, goals, and overall personality and it ‘humanizes’ the brand in the customer’s eyes and eliminates any guesswork (richpanel, 2022)

As an ecommerce business, you need to understand that customer service for ecommerce is important in numerous ways. Your customer service is a way for you to add personality to your brand, set your brand’s voice and tone, and let your customers know about your brand values. 

Customer service is one of the best ways to retain customers and data suggests that an increase in customer retention of 5% can boost profits by 25% (richpanel, 2022)

Retaining your customers is a way for you to boost your profit. Your ecommerce customer service is one of the top ways for you to make sure you can retain your customers and increase their loyalty towards your brand. 


According to research, 72% of customers will share a positive experience with six or more people, which also means that building positive customer experiences can guarantee positive word-of-mouth publicity (richpanel, 2022)

When it comes to your brand’s publicity and marketing, nothing can beat word of mouth. When you offer top-quality customer service for ecommerce, you can make sure your customers can talk positively about your brand to the people around them, guaranteeing positive word of mouth publicity for your brand. 

With 79% of smartphone users purchasing online using their mobile devices, this number will only rise, and one of the biggest customer service issues in ecommerce is not offering a mobile checkout option (richpanel, 2022)

As an online business, you also need to be aware of the prominent issues when it comes to customer service for ecommerce. For example, not offering a mobile checkout option on your website is one of the top issues in customer service for ecommerce. You have to make sure you can cater to all your customers, whether they use desktop or mobile devices. 


Around 70% of consumers will willingly share personal data with brands to gain a more personalized experience, and 72% will only engage with personalized messaging (richpanel, 2022)

If you want to create an excellent and memorable customer experience, you have to use personalization. Personalizing customer service for ecommerce will help you connect better with your customers and get more engagement. 

83% of online shoppers need assistance to complete an order (invespcro, 2023)

The reason why customer service for ecommerce businesses is so important is that more than 80% of online shoppers require assistance when it comes to completing an order. If you can’t provide assistance, you might lose out on sales. 


Due to poor customer support, 89% of online shoppers stopped buying things online (slideshare, 2023)

If you cannot provide top-quality customer service for ecommerce, there is a huge risk that a large percentage of your customers will not shop online from your store. 

According to Marketing Metrics, the success rate of selling to a new customer is only 5-20% while it is 60-70% to the existing ones (superoffice, 2022)

Customer service helps you retain your existing customers, which is crucial because the success rate of making a sale to your existing customers is significantly higher than selling to a new customer. 


Assuming that only one of every 10 happy customers leaves a positive five-star review, and knowing that it takes four five-star reviews to make up for each one-star review, you can figure it takes 40 positive customer experiences to make up for a single bad review (inc, 2023)

Countering every bad review can take a lot more good reviews. It is essential that you provide excellent customer service for ecommerce, helping you garner more positive reviews compared to negative ones. 

Bad reviews on your products are shared twice as much as the good ones (retailcustomerexperience, 2023)

As an online business, there is nothing that can harm your reputation more than bad reviews. Your reviews remain online for every potential customer to see, which is why having more positive customer service reviews is better for your business. 


Over 80% of customers reported that they would be willing to pay more to get a better experience (truelist, 2022)

Customers value the experience they have with an ecommerce business. It is important to note that customers are also willing to pay more to have a better customer service experience with a business. 

A report showed that 89% of companies with “significantly above average” customer experiences perform better financially than their competitors (qualtrics, 2022)

It is no secret that the customer experience you provide can make or break your brand. If you want to perform better than your competitors, you need to make sure you can offer above average customer service to your consumers. 


American companies reportedly lose about $136.8 billion yearly because of avoidable customer losses (99firms, 2023)

If you cannot provide top-quality customer service, your customer losses are bound to rise. American businesses lose around 136 billion USD every year because of customer losses that could have easily been avoided. 

Research shows that companies that invest in customer experience also see employee engagement rates increase by an average of 20% (octalysis, 2023)

An improvement in the customer service experience a company offers can also improve the employee engagement rates and your overall performance. 


An incredible 90% of customers rate an “immediate” response as important or very important when they have a customer service question, and 60% of customers define “immediate” as 10 minutes or less (hubspot, 2023)

When it comes to customer service for ecommerce, speed is key. A majority of customers want an immediate response to their queries from your customer support team. This means, you must address their issues within 10 minutes or less. 

33% of consumers reported that they ended their relationship with a company because the company didn’t personalize the experience enough (review42, 2022)

As an ecommerce business, you must always work on building a personalized customer experience for your consumers. This will help you maintain better relationships with your audience. 


61% of consumers say they have cut ties with a brand when they receive poor customer service 

More than 60% of shoppers have said they cut ties with a business if the customer service is not up-to-the-mark. 

Nearly three out of five consumers report that good customer service is vital to feel commitment toward a brand

If you want people to feel connected to your brand and have loyalty towards it, you need to make sure you can offer good customer service for ecommerce. 


Data shows that 51% of B2B companies start to avoid vendors after a poor customer service experience but if your company provides excellent customer service, 78% of consumers would do business with a company again after a mistake (truelist, 2022)

Customer service is equally important for B2B ecommerce businesses as well. If you provide excellent customer service, a business will continue working with you and forgive you even after you make a mistake. 

90% of Americans use customer service to decide whether or not to do business with a company (hubspot, 2021)

Your customer service can be the deciding factor when it comes to gaining new customers and increasing your sales. 


According to HubSpot’s 2022 State of Customer Service report, almost 40% of customer service leaders say that their company views customer service as an expense rather than a driver for growth (hubspot, 2021)

Even though we understand how important customer service for ecommerce is, a lot of businesses still refuse to accept this. A lot of companies still think of customer service as more of an expense than a tool for their business growth. 

According to new data gathered after the COVID-19 pandemic, more than half of those surveyed (58%) said their customer service expectations are higher today than they were a year prior (businesswire, 2022)

As an ecommerce business, it is crucial that you understand that customer expectations have increased and become even higher after the pandemic. 


Customers demand higher quality customer service, with 66% saying they would switch brands if they felt they were being “treated like a number, not an individual.” (salesforce, 2021)

When it comes to customer service for ecommerce, you have to understand that your customers are looking for a positive experience that makes them feel like you are genuinely listening to what they have to say. It is crucial that you make your customers feel like they are more than just a sale for you. 

There is plenty of room for businesses to grow, as 71% of customers say they want a consistent experience across channels, but only 29% say they get it (review42, 2022)

When looking at these statistics, we can see that businesses still have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to customer service for ecommerce. It is important that you can start providing a consistently positive customer service experience for your customers across multiple platforms and channels. 


Even in this period where there are CRM tools that show the entire purchasing history of customers, consumers complain that 17% of brands don’t know their order history (gnani, 2021)

As an ecommerce business, you can use state-of-the-art CRM tools to help you access your customer’s information and order history. It is crucial that your customers don’t have to constantly repeat themselves. 

81% of customers feel valued and find it helpful when a chat window appears proactively asking if they have a question (gnani, 2021)

Using a chatbot on your website to help your customers place an order can be a positive customer service experience for them. 


Emplifi says that more than 86% of customers will leave a brand after two bad experiences. (gnani, 2022)

More than 86% of customers will not come back to your brand to shop after two bad experiences. The customer service you provide is one of the top ways you can make sure you build strong, long-lasting relationships with your customers. 

When considering a new purchase, consumers place high importance on two things- a) Their previous experience with the brand and b) Speed of deliverability (gnani, 2022)

As an ecommerce business, you must focus on two things. The first thing is the experience you provide to your customers, and the second thing is the delivery speed you can offer to them. 


57% of consumers are willing to pay a premium for simpler experiences (gnani, 2022)

You should make sure the customer service for ecommerce you offer to your consumers is simple and not too complicated. More than 50% of consumers are even willing to pay for a simpler experience with a brand. 

More than $1 million in annual customer service costs can be saved by businesses that use conversational AI bots (gnani, 2022)

AI bots have become a huge part of the customer service sector, especially when it comes to ecommerce. If you use conversational AI bots on your website, you can also save more than one million USD annually in customer service costs. 


82% of customers will spend more money on brands that deliver great online service (gnani, 2022)

As an online business, you should know that more than 80% of customers are willing to spend more money on brands that can provide excellent ecommerce customer service for them. 

By 2023, chatbots are expected to save 5 billion hours, says Juniper Research (gnani, 2022)

AI chatbots are not only important for saving money, but they can also help you save time and improve the efficiency of your team. According to Juniper Research, chat bots will save around 5 billion hours by 2023. 


77% of customer success agents say that by using Conversational AI, they will be able to complete more complex tasks as their routine tasks will be automated (gnani, 2022)

If you want to make sure you can address even the most complex queries your customers have in less time, using AI chat bots for your routine customer service can be an excellent option for your business. It will give your team more time to focus on other customer queries that require more time and effort. 

Even though 85% of brands believe that they offer personalized customer experience, only 60% of consumers agree with this and this one’s an interesting statistic as it shows that there is a big difference between what brands think about their personalization efforts and the ground results (gnani, 2022)

As an ecommerce brand, you need to understand what your customers want from you and whether or not you are providing it to them. Even though some businesses believe they are offering a personalized customer experience, their customers don’t agree with it. This is why you need to focus more on the customer service you offer and how you can truly personalize it for your customers. 


If you can personalize your customer’s purchasing experience, 60% of consumers report that they will become repeat buyers (gnani, 2022)

Personalization is an important factor when it comes to making your customers come back and shop from you again. It is important that you can integrate personalization in the customer service you provide. 

Forrester says that customers are 2.4 times more likely to stick with brands that solve their problems quickly (gnani, 2022)

Your speed at solving queries for your customers is also crucial. If you want to make sure your customers stay loyal to your brand, you must provide efficient customer service for ecommerce. 


52% of consumers expect responses within an hour, so if you were to employ conversational AI into your customer service, this particular statistic wouldn’t bother you (gnani, 2022)

Using AI bots in your customer service for ecommerce is also an excellent way to make sure your customers never have to wait a long time to get a response from your side. 

Team Up With Leading Ecommerce Customer Service And Fulfillment Providers

Running an online business is not an easy task, especially when you have to complete all the necessary steps in-house and focus on all the various aspects of your business. Without the right help, making your ecommerce business successful can be almost impossible. However, in today’s day and age, you don’t have to worry about not having top-notch service providers that you can team up with. 

A leading 3PL, like Meteor Space, can help you take your business to the next level and unlock your full potential. Not only do we provide end-to-end fulfillment services, but we also provide excellent customer service for ecommerce. With our help, you can provide your customers with the best experience and solve all their queries within minutes. 

Here at Meteor Space, we understand the importance of customer service for ecommerce businesses, which is why we aim to provide comprehensive services. Our customer support team is experienced and can help resolve all issues your customers may have. We are experts when it comes to dealing with ecommerce customer support, helping you keep your customers happy and satisfied. 

Sounds like everything you are looking for? Get in touch with us now to get started! 

Talk to our experts