BRC Accreditation is a quality certification aimed to provide protection for the end consumer. After achieving our BRC accreditation, we upheld our reputation of providing the highest quality of services for our customers. Food safety is crucial within the food industry therefore, as our legal obligation as one of the leading warehouse and fulfilment company in Northern Ireland that we ensure the safety, integrality and quality of your products.

The BRC Accreditation certification is an effective food safety management system designed to reflect best practices to ensure the food products are stored and distributed at the safest standard. The BRC Accreditation framework was developed to help the food industry comply with the food safety laws to manage the safety and quality of the products. Our objective is to facilitate a process of continuous improvement to ensure that our customer’s product integrity is maintained during the storage and distribution stage.


Benefits of Meteor Space being a BRC Accredited Warehouse:

There are many benefits of using Meteor Space’s BRC Accredited Warehouse in Northern Ireland such as:

  • We are able to access parts of the market that are only available to those who are certified.
  • We are able to protect all of your products, brand reputation and customers by achieving and maintaining the certification.
  • We are trusted. We work extremely hard to ensure highest food safety standard to ensure your customer’s products are stored and delivered in great care.
  • We are able to provide proper storage and transport for your food products to prevent damage occurring which reduces complaint.
  • We will help increase customer confidence and open up new opportunities for your business.

At Meteor Space, we operate from a 200,000 sq. ft state of art facility, which offers a HMRC customer bonded facility, as well as a BRC accredited storage space. We take pride for providing the best service for our consumers by ensuring food safety and quality is maintained. Our dedicated team have a wealth of experience in fulfilment and highly knowledge in the BRC requirements to ensure customer’s confidence is protected.

We fulfil our legal obligation to ensure we provide product safety, protection, and our customers’ confidence. It is important you are with a fulfilment warehouse organisation that you trust. That is why at Meteor Space, at our BRC Accreditation Warehouse, we work hard professionally and fast to ensure that the products are delivered to your customers at the highest quality.

As we are BRC approved, we can offer advice on all aspects of logistics and which services will suit your business’s needs. So, call us today for a chat or fill out the contact form and one of our team will be happy to help you as your first choice BRC approved order fulfilment company in Ireland and Europe.

What is the difference between BRC and ISO?

International standards groups BRC (British Retail Consortium) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) both have different areas of expertise and different standards they establish.
Food manufacturers utilise BRC’s Global Standard for Food Safety to show their dedication to creating safe and legal food products. BRC focuses on food safety, quality, and legality. The BRC standard is accepted by retailers and food service providers all around the world and covers every stage of food manufacturing, from raw materials to finished goods.
On the other hand, ISO creates and disseminates standards for a variety of industries, such as information security management, environmental management, and quality management (ISO 9001, ISO 14001). (ISO 27001).The international framework offered by ISO’s standards enables businesses to strengthen their services and operations while also becoming more competitive overall.
In conclusion, while ISO covers a larger variety of industries and focuses on standardised processes and services to improve overall performance and competitiveness, BRC is exclusive to the food business and focuses on food safety, quality, and legality.

Meteor Space- An E-Commerce Fulfillment Service

Working with one of the top e-commerce fulfilment companies will ensure that your company is not confined to a single area or nation. You can get unfettered access and assistance from a top e-commerce fulfilment provider while also helping clients all around the world receive their goods.

As one of the top e-commerce fulfilment companies, Meteor Space is aware of how important it is for your company’s reach. For all of our clients, we provide unrestricted access to the UK and Europe because of this. We are in Northern Ireland, a prime location for companies with headquarters in the UK and Europe. You may increase your reach and deliver to customers in other regions with our assistance.

Meteor Space, one of the top e-commerce fulfilment companies, can assist you in accelerating the expansion of your company and effectively reaching your target market. The ability to put your anxieties about online order fulfilment to rest and concentrate on other facets of your business is one of the biggest benefits of working with the top ecommerce fulfilment services.

Working with one of the top e-commerce fulfilment companies, like Meteor Space, will help you save a tonne of time, money, and resources. All of which you can later utilise to improve your company’s marketing and sales efforts. With our assistance, you can concentrate on creating more solid, long-lasting relationships with your customers and grow your company.

BRC Accreditation FAQs

BRC stands for British Retail Consortium. The BRC Food Technical Standard was created to help retailers and own-brand food manufacturers assess each other. It was created with merchants and brand owners in mind as a "thorough research" defence. This BRC Accreditation is widely recognised as the standard in the food sector.

The BRC Accreditation has evolved into a Global Standard as a framework around which many corporations have established their supplier assessment programmes and the manufacturing of some branded items outside of the UK.

The majority of UK retailers and brand owners, as well as many European and global retailers and brand owners, will only do business with suppliers that have earned BRC Accreditation. 


BRC accreditation certifies conformity with one of the BRC Global Standards, which is a collection of standards. Over 25,000 certified suppliers in more than 130 countries employ the BRC accreditation. The standards provide quality, safety, and operational requirements to guarantee that producers comply with their legal duties and safeguard end users.

BRC accreditation certifications, often known as BRCGS (British Retail Consortium Global Standards), govern food and non-food industry standards. It's also recognised as the toughest certification to earn. This BRC accreditation approval is well-known across the world since it covers several aspects of safety.

BRC accreditation certification is frequently required as part of the supplier approval process by leading retailers, manufacturers, and food service companies. We can help with a variety of BRC accreditation, such as: Our experts have extensive experience dealing with small, developing firms seeking BRC accreditation certification.

There are many benefits to Meteor Space being BRC approved. 

  • Increased global supply chain market access.
  • Brand security.
  • Increase your company's food safety 
  • Food safety and quality
  • Audit redundancy is reduced.
  • Improve your quality control and safety procedures.
  • Improve partnerships with European.
  • Increase earnings  efficiency 

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